台灣企業主要發展型態以家族企業為主, 董事會扮演決策和指揮核心地位,控制股東擁有控制權形成最終控制者,控制股東對企業決策制定具控制力而團隊成員的特徵與屬性組合在組織運作及決策執行歷程與產出亦具影響力 。 本研究主要以高層理論及代理理論探討經理團隊多元化程度程和企業績效之間的關係,並以最終控制者權力和韋伯的科層體制觀點來探討最終控制者在經理團隊多元化與企業績效之間的干擾效果。 本研究採敘述性統計和多元迴歸分析方式, 以公開資訊觀測站及經濟新報2010年資本額150億以上之上市公司共計128家公司為研究樣本。 研究結果顯示1.經理團隊的成員隨著多元化分散的程度和在績效之間不是呈現正向線性的關係2.最終控制權的介入在經理團隊多元化與企業績效交互作用下呈現顯著效果,其顯示最終控制權對經理團隊多元化和企業績效之間扮演著調節效果。 Many of Taiwanese business corporations were operated in family-based. The board of directors becomes the ultimate controller to make control of corporate decisions and commands. The characteristics and attributes of the board members have significant influential power in organization operation and policy/strategy forming and executions. This research is to study the relationship between the top management team diversity and corporate performance, based on Upper Echelons Theory and the Agency Theory. And also studies the effects of moderating between the top management team diversity and corporate performance from the view of ultimate controlling power and Max Weber’s Bureaucracy System. This research adopts the methodologies of descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, and samples from the 128 companies with NT$15 Billion capital per Market Observation Post System and Taiwan Economic Journal in 2010. The study concludes are 1.The diversity among the top management team is not in positive-linear relation with the corporate performance. 2.The involvement of the ultimate controller shows significant effect between the top management team diversity and the corporate performance, while the ultimate controller plays moderation effect in between.