一般傳統的設備維護人員,往往屬「反應式維護」(Breakdown Maintenance),即設備故障或維護單位於接到維修單或叫修後,立刻前往處理修復,如此導致多處設備需即時維修時人力不足;無叫修時人力閒置。因此過多的人力編排往往造成經營成本提高,投資回收不易。而過少的人力配置亦會影響設備完修時間,增加顧客抱怨。故現已漸漸採用「預防式維護」(Preventive Maintenance)工作方式,即為定期檢修、保養、紀錄及巡視以維持系統設備正常運轉操作。本研究係依建築物內各項機電設備之維護保養週期及維護保養所花費之時間,利用線性規劃最佳化模式,依各設備所需之維護保養週期,編排出各設備最佳的維護保養時段,提供決策者人力調度運籌之參考,以達最簡時程及如期完成維護工作為目標;此外依據各參數之敏感度變化趨勢進行敏感度分析,藉此求得所有設備維護需求時間之平均值,以利於各設備機組均能依維護週期進行保養任務,亦達成充分人力運用之目的。為驗證本模式合理性與實用性,以高雄市HOTEL DUA商務旅館為範例,進行模擬測試;並以最佳化模式所求得之排程結果與一般人工經驗排程進行比較,以驗證本研究最佳化模式產生的排程結果,確實較人工經驗排程下之每日維護保養時間來的平均,且更有效率。故本研究可靈活運用於設備機組維護保養排程規劃及每日維護保養作業時間平均等問題,幫助決策者精準規劃及人力安排。Traditional maintenance staff, usually belong in the category of “breakdown maintenance), which means action only after receiving a maintenance call or when problem arises. However, this may cause an under staffing crisis when multiple incidents occur. For this reason, operating costs rise due to over employment, hence it is difficult to gain a healthy profit margin. On the other hand, when insufficient staff is on duty, the frequency of tasks completion is dramatically reduced, and the number of complaints will increase. The implementation of “preventive maintenance” is gaining popularity by applying periodic monitoring, servicing and recording each inspection. This study is conducted by inspecting the architectural electrical units’ maintenance procedures and fees, to provide the optimal service plan. Moreover, this plan hopes to provide a more efficient method of human resource management, so progress can be completed according to schedule. Next, the progression of sensitivity in data analysis is also examined. From this the average time for all inspections will be calculated to effectively fit all maintenance in schedule. Using the Hotel Dua in Kaohsiung as an example, a simulation comparing optimized service to traditional SOP hopes to prove a positive result. This study can be actively used between maintenance scheduling and daily checkup to help decision makers organize their human resource in precision.