本研究使用電漿光放射光譜儀(Optical Emission Spectroscopy, OES)與蘭摩爾探針(Langmuir probe)診斷電子迴旋共振 之電漿。研究中,除使用探針針對電子密度、電子溫度及電漿電位等電漿參數進行定量量測外,並搭配OES計算其電漿物種光譜比例與其趨勢變化進行定性分析。最終,本研究並沉積氫化非晶矽薄膜,依序改變微波功率、工作壓力、共振磁場以及氫稀釋比等操作參數,結合上述探針與OES光譜的分析結果,找出操作參數與電漿特性以及沉積速率、氫含量、微結構因子以及光暗電導等薄膜性質三者間之關聯性。結果顯示影響電子密度最主要因素為微波功率,電子密度將隨微波功率增加而上升。電子密度越高,其沉積速率越高,但若是由氫氣增多所造成的電子密度上升,反而由於氫蝕刻效應使得沉積速率減緩。電子溫度與工作壓力有較明顯相關,於電子溫度3eV時,有最好的光暗電導比。由於ECR系統有著類似微波爐的駐波結構,所以根據共振磁場位置的不同,會有不同的電漿電位,將影響到R*與氫含量的大小。實驗結果証實,電漿氣體混合比例不同將對電子密度及薄膜特性有所影響,故過去Langmuir probe相關研究中採用純氫氣或者氬氣做為製程中電漿參數指標的方式顯有誤差,而本研究所自製可用於ECR磁場下之即時性薄膜製程電漿特性量測探針確有其價值。Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) and homemade Langmuir probe are used for in-situ diagnosing the mixed H2-SiH4-Ar plasma characteristics in an electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition (ECR-CVD) system for hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin film process. The electron temperature (Te) and plasma density (Ne) are determined by Langmuir probe and the relative concentrations of plasma species are obtained from OES. By using a moveable Langmuir probe, the relation between distribution of plasma characteristics and a-Si:H film properties under various microwave power(700 - 1600W), working pressure(3 – 15mTorr), magnetic field and hydrogen dilution ratio are investigated in the scope of this research. Results indicate that high density H2-SiH4-Ar plasma can be obtained by increasing ECR microwave power even if the plasma density is near to the theoretical cut-off value. As the result of substrate heated by high concentration of electrons, the hydrogen precipitation occurs and hydrogen content is decreased by 46%. The result of Langmuir probe shows that electron temperature is rarely influenced by microwave power, and it also agrees well with OES measurement results. The R* and hydrogen concentration are measured using FTIR. The R* (2100 /2100+2000) shows the film’s property which is calculated with the strength of Si-H (2000cm-1) and Si-H2 (2100cm-1) peaks. The dominate factor about electron temperature is working pressure. The electron temperature decreases with increasing working pressure. In the same time, the R* increases with increasing pressure, but decreasing with hydrogen concentration. The best conductivity ratio can be received when electron temperature is 3eV. Since some standing waves could exist in the chamber, the position of ECR resonance zone would affect the plasma potential, R* and hydrogen concentration. When hydrogen dilution ratio (H2/SiH4) is adjusted from 0 to 24, hydrogen concentration can decrease thin film deposition rate effectively. When hydrogen concentration increases, the deposition rate becomes slower. Above all, this study demonstrates that the method for integrating in-situ Langmuir probe and OES can receive more reliable plasma characteristics in CVD process.