電子化服務興起多年,其經營重點也在不斷演變中,企業欲提供”高接觸、高科技、高效能”之服務,務必以顧客為經營策略之核心,充分整合虛實通路,也是企業提供電子化服務之主要挑戰。針對這項挑戰,本計劃提出”能力-品質-價值”之鏈結架構,並依此研擬三項相關之研究議題。所謂之”能力-品質-價值”之鏈結,主張企業要成功地運用電子化服務創造市場競爭優勢,需要具備及善用特定之組織能力,才能順利地轉型,提供優良之電子化服品質,進而滿足顧客之消費價值。根據這項鏈結,本案之第一年計畫探討哪些組織能力與資源,有助於企業進行虛實整合,提升服務電子化之績效。第二年計畫將針對過去服務品質量表只針對單一通路之不足,發展兼顧虛實通路,以及虛實通路間整合之電子化服務品質量表。第三年計畫則採用方法目標鏈結,探討消費者在虛實整合環境下,使用電子化服務之價值階層圖。了能夠以多元化角度探討電子化服務之” 能力-品質-價值”環扣,本計劃將以多項理論為研究架構(i.e., 資源基礎觀點、動態能力理論、服務品質理論、方法目標鏈結等),分別採用問卷調查、衡量尺度發展技巧、深度訪談,以及硬式階梯量表等不同研究設計進行。 ; E-Commerce has giving way to the new business paradigm known as e-Service. The emergent paradigm aims to achieve a “high touch, high tech, and high performance” business model and its realization relies on a seamless integration between virtual and physical channels. To address the challenges that might arise from the emergence of this new paradigm, this project proposed a “capability-quality-value” triangular model and a three-year research plan. The research objective of the 1st-year project is to examine the influence of organizational capabilities on the effectiveness of e-Service. The 2nd-year project aims to develop a hierarchical model and measurement of e-service quality based on the multi-channel perspective. The third year will explore the consumption values that will be derived from using e-service in the dual-channel context, using the means-end chain approach. The results of the three-year projects will be used to develop a “capability-quality-value” theory. This project plans to utilize different research techniques (i.e., survey, measurement development, interview, hard laddering questionnaire) and various theories (i.e., resource-based view, dynamic capability theory, service quality theory, means-end chain). ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807