若勞工可充分於行業間轉換工作,則當產業間存在雇用條件優劣差異時,此差異應可很快地被消弭。因此,產業雇用條件短期內雖然可能存在差異,但長期應該會消失。但是,觀察台灣產業的雇用條件,吾人發現不論是薪資給付或雇用狀況,產業間的差異其實持續地存在著。此趨勢在女性技術勞工與非技術勞工雇用比例與薪資成本比例之的差異更為明顯,且其正不斷持續加大中。此現象隱含著近十多年來製造業的人員配置可能出現了變化,其生產方式或(與)企業組織型態也可能起了相當地變化。因此,本計畫擬以兩年期間分析上述現象及其成因。第一年的研究重點在於探討當產業間存在不同的生產型態時,技能偏向型技術進步以及組織變革對於產業間平均薪資差異、產業間高低技術勞工薪資比例以及產業間技能勞工雇用比例差異之影響。整合主計處『受僱員工動向調查』以及經濟部『製造業經營實況調查』兩種資料庫,進行跨年資料整理、以計量模型進行分析。計畫第二年則擬以panel 聯立方程式法,分析技能偏向型技術進步以及組織變革對產業監督管理與非監督管理人員雇用量之影響,並著重於造成上述性別差異因素之分析。期冀本研究之完成除可提供與產業及技術薪資溢酬與雇用差異進一步之瞭解外,其實證結果亦可作為台灣相關政策包括勞工政策與科技政策修定時之依據與參考,並針對技術進步之衝擊預先進行必要的政策修訂。 ; If workers can move across industries freely without any limitation, the observed industrial differential should disappear in the long term sense. Nevertheless, the stylized fact on wage payments and the corresponding employment between high-skilled and less-skilled workers did indicate a substantial and persistent differential across the 4-digit Manufacturing industries in Taiwan. The industrial differential shows a even more significant pattern for the females. These phenomenon imply that the Manufacturing employment structure, production and organizational status could have been altered in recent years. This project thus aims to investigate the phenomenon and the possible causes behind. In the first year, we aim to focus on the research of wage differential, wage bill share and employment differential across the so-called white collar and blue collar workers by particularly emphasizing on the impact of skill-biased technological change and the organizational change. A panel data of industrial level is constructed by merging two sources of datasets, i.e., the Operating Strategies of the Manufacturers’ Surveys, and the Employees Turnover Statistics. The corresponding econometric models are setup for empirical analysis. In the second year, a simultaneous panel model, SUREVC, is specified for the skilled and less-skilled employment equations. Besides, the gender different responses with respect to the skill-biased technological change and the organizational change are particularly emphasized in order to investigate the likelihood of sexual differential effect. It is hoped that, the research results from this research project can be served as a good reference for policy makers in promoting Taiwan’s sustainable development. ; 研究期間 9808 ~ 9907