題名: | 員工參與活動, 工作家庭措施, 家庭友善文化對組織績效之影響--- 內部一致性之觀點;The Impacts of Employee Participation, Work-Family Practices, and Family Friendly Culture on Organizational Outcomes---An Internal Consistency Perspective |
作者: | 劉念琪 |
貢獻者: | 中央大學人力資源管理研究所 |
關鍵詞: | 管理科學 |
日期: | 2008-09-01 |
上傳時間: | 2012-10-01 15:36:52 (UTC+8) |
出版者: | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要: | 於競爭環境日漸複雜,為了回應競爭壓力,許多企業組織已進行工作與組織重設計,而在這樣的組織轉型中,特別帶起了員工參與的風潮下,員工決策參與使員工能夠擁有較高的自主性,也期望由於員工參與而能帶出更多的創新與改善。因此組織實施員工參與活動,希望能夠在員工技能、動機及賦權均改善的狀況下,提升組織績效。然而近年來員工參與活動,卻被質疑對員工的福祉產生的效應並非全然正向。當公司推動員工參與活動時,員工常必須要多花時間在新的參與活動之上,也必須為了參與活動學習新的技能或新的溝通模式,因此往往也增加了員工的工作要求與負荷(Godard, 2001)。 Ramsey 等人(2000)即指出員工參與制度下,員工必須更加努力,因此會增加員工工作壓力。員工必須花費更多的時間與精力在工作上,也因此可能使其更無力於個人的家庭責任,所以工作家庭衝突也可能因此增加,使員工工作態度不能達到最佳的狀態 (White et al., 2003)。根據Karasek and Theorell 所提出之需求-控制-支持模型,當工作要求增加工作壓力時,組織若能適時提供資源將有助於員工緩解工作壓力。而由於推動員工參與制度而新增工作壓力時,若工作也能適時提供支援,這將會使員工參與的實施成效更為明顯,而這也正式策略人力資源管理中所提出之內部一致性的概念。過去文獻中提出,公司可提供多種資源協助員工處理工作家庭的問題,在公司層次,主要的資源有兩大項:工作-家庭措施與家庭友善文化,這兩種公司層次資源都被認為是能夠協助員工處理工作家庭衝突,改善工作績效(Warren and Johnson, 1995)。因此在本論文中,基於策略人力資源管理的內部一致性論點,提出當公司同時採用員工參與活動與協助員工處理工作家庭問題的工作家庭措施或公司家庭友善文化時,會達到更佳的組織績效,也因此將驗證兩個不同的二階交互作用效果。同時本研究進一步探討兩項公司層次的工作家庭資源在運用時,是否存在著互相替代或互補的效果。也就是說,將進一步檢驗員工參與活動、工作家庭措施、與家庭友善文化三者的三階交互作用效應。本研究將以調查研究的方式進行,並以迴歸進行實證資料的驗證。 ; The increasing pressure from the rapid changes in product, labor, and capital markets, and in other aspects of the organizational environment have led to widespread and profound changes in the structure of contemporary firms. The transformed work organization is characterized by more flexible work practices. The newly transformed organization makes great use of horizontal coordination and communication within and among units in a firm (Appelbaum & Berg, 2000). Concerning the innovation of work organization, one of the most widely recognized work design is employee participation in decision making. Levine and Tyson (1990) indicate that employee participation practices allow stronger employee influences on organizational process. The autonomy brought by empowerment is the key incentive for employees to work harder; therefore, employee participation in decision making is seen as beneficial to organizational performance (Banker et al., 1996; Pfeffer, 1994). However, employee participation is expected to improve employees’ skills, motivation and empowerment; but the effects of the change on employees’ wellbeing are still mixed. These changes not only improve the performance, but also exacerbate employees’ time constraints, increase the demands upon them, and add to their work load (Godard, 2001). Ramsey et al. (2000) found that employee participation may also increase stress and force employees to work even harder. Employees may have to devote more time and energy to their job, and then neglect their family responsibilities. It may result in negative work-to-family conflict, and then decrease employees’ attitude and performance (White et al., 2003). These factors may cause some negative job-to-home spillover, so called work family conflict. The conflict between work and family has risen rapidly, it may cause various work-related outcomes, such as job dissatisfaction, turnover intention, and stress (Anderson, Coffey, and Byerly, 2002), also related organizational outcomes such as productivity, absenteeism and turnover (Scandura and Lankau, 1997). According to Karasek and Theorell’s demand-control-support model of individual stress, the newly increased work demands from employee participation practices may positively predict work distress. In this model, employers can provide some support to assist employees to handle these demands, and it also predicts that support is positively related to employee well-being and productivity. Therefore, when firms take employees’ work-life balance into concerns, both work family practices and family friendly culture are critical resources which firms should try their best to establish in order to help employees to cope with the work family conflicts (Warren and Johnson, 1995). Therefore, the objective of this research is straightforward. This project would like to examine whether the internal consistency exist among the adoption of employee participation practices, work-family practices and family-friendly climate, in which the internal consistency may create better organizational performance. We will examine the three two-way interaction effects and one three-way interaction effects to find out whether firms will have greater performance gains when they reach some kind of internal consistency when adopting employee participation practices, work-family practices, and building strong family friendly culture. To test our hypotheses, we will collect data through a mail survey and from secondary sources. Our sampling frame will consisted of publicly-traded firms in Taiwan. After data collection and data reduction, appropriate statistical procedures will be done to test our hypotheses. Two possible analysis methods are considered to analyze the proposed model. Multiple regression models will be utilized to analyze the two-way interaction effect and the three-way interaction effect. The regression analysis allows us to analyze the data after controlling other possible effects. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807 |
關聯: | 財團法人國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心 |
顯示於類別: | [人力資源管理研究所] 研究計畫
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