本計畫主要目標擬利用功能性基因體學的研究方式,由T-DNA 插入之水稻突變種原庫與已公佈與熱耐性相關之突變株中, 選殖與高溫逆境適應性有關之突變株, 分析突變株之生長發育情形與確認被突變的基因, 瞭解這些基因在水稻遇熱逆境時所扮演之角色與功能, 結果可做為水稻育種及改良熱耐性之參考; 另方面計畫轉殖水稻第一族小分子量熱休克蛋白質(class I small heat shock proteins;sHSP-CIs)基因的轉錄股( sense strand)與反轉錄股( antisense strand) 片段, 即持續性表現或抑制熱休克蛋白質的表現量,藉此分析這群可受熱大量誘導合成及在種子形成初期出現的高保留性蛋白質對於水稻發育及稻米品質的影響。因此主要工作項目為延續現已得結果,包括:(一)持續篩選T-DNA 插入水稻突變株中, 可耐異常高溫的水稻突變株和對高溫敏感的水稻突變株。( 二) 分析已確認具耐熱性及與熱逆境相關的水稻突變株外部型態、生理功能和稻米的產量及品質。( 三) 分析水稻sHSP-CI 基因過度表現及抑製表現水稻轉殖株的外部型態、生理功能和稻米的產量及品質。 ; Using functional genomics study, we are trying to screen thermo-tolerant lines from rice T-DNA insertion mutants or the established database of insertion rice mutants. Analysis of development and phenotype of mutants is being conducted to characterize the mutants. Besides, the mutated genes and the roles of these thermo-related genes are also identified. The results should benefit the establishing a base for rice breeding. On the other hand, to understand the physiological functions of rice class I small heat shock proteins (sHSP-CIs) for rice development and grain properties, we plan to transform sense strand and antisnese fragment of sHSP-CI genes into rice and characterize phenotype as well as yield of these transgenic rice plants. The future works of this proposal will focus on as follows. Firstly, we are trying to keep on screening thermo-tolerant or -sensitive mutants from T2 seeds of rice T-DNA insertion mutants and identify the mutated genes as well as their roles on thermo-tolerance. The data obtained from here can provide us much information for breeding thermo-tolerant rice. Secondly, we plan to characterize the phenotype, physiological funciton, grain yield, and grain properties of the identified therm-tolerant T-DNA insertion mutants and heat related gene mutant lines. Finally, we also plan to assay for growth and development, tolerance to stresses, and rice grain yield and properties of the transgenic rice plants which express sHSP-CIs constitutively and knock down the transcription of one or all sHSPs under normal temperature or high temperature condition. It is being conducted to find the physiological function of sHSP-CIs on the development of rice grains. ; 研究期間 9701 ~ 9712