本計畫旨在整理、發展以形成台灣成人語文素養指標架構,作為檢測的依據。我們將邀集不同領域學者,檢視國、內外既有語文素養指標,同時考慮我國歷史、語言、文化的特殊性,以定義與列舉題例說明所提出指標的意涵。基於亞洲地區的文化背景與我們接近,本計畫也將與亞洲地區主要國家的成人素養指標研究機構或團隊聯繫,考慮形成共同指標的可能性。其目的在比較我國成人與亞洲地區成人的語文素養水準。完成後的語文素養指標將公佈以昭公信,並由不同研究團隊繼續設計評量。有適當的語文素養指標與評量,將可促進國民認識語文學習是終身的功課,並作為制定終身學習政策的依據。 ; Language is the heart of human experience. Every adult should be linguistically and culturally equipped to work and to participate in a society. To achieve this goal, a language framework which provides indicators of language skills and competence levels as proficiency guideline is a must. This project is aimed to construct a language framework for 18 to 55 year olds in Taiwan. We will form a group of scholars such as linguist, adult educators, reading specialist, library manager, and cultural specialist to work out the framework. In addition, we would visit research institutes in Japan and Singapore in order to form a common Asia framework for the purpose of cross country comparison. The adult language framework will describe what adult learners have to learn in order to use Chinese effectively. It will also provide basis for curriculum, assessment, and textbooks development. ; 研究期間 9807 ~ 9906