近幾年寬頻網路代工產業因為競爭激烈導致產品開發利潤大幅下降,為了降低成本及提高獲利必須強化產品設計競爭力及縮短開發時間。因此如何快速的在眾多的IC廠商中選擇出最具成本競爭優勢的設計,並且用最有效的方法來決定開發架構,實為當前各家代工廠所追求的目標。當代工產品規格確認後,如何以最低廉的成本及最精簡的零件組合來設計出客戶所需的產品,,便是本論文所探討方向及研究的目標。本論文的目的是以粒子群最佳化演算法(Particle swarm optimizer; PSO)為基礎,應用於現今的無線區域網路產品硬體開發規格的選擇上(Solution)。粒子群演算法具備了收斂快速特性、粒子間訊息的溝通、較少的參數設定、搜尋速度快和可行性高的優點,這個演算法已有許多相關的論文陸續發表及實務應用。本論文將分為五個部份;首先介紹粒子群演算法的概念以及常見的幾種群體優化演算法比較;第二個部份針對無線區域網路產品硬體規格設計做重點式的介紹及闡述;第三個部份是運用PSO之概念,針對無線區域網路硬體產品的規格及設計成本進行優化,以達到節省成本之目的;第四部份則是將目前無線區域網路設計與PSO優化後的設計做功能性的比較,最後章節再作總結及提出對研究之未來展望及相關研究建議。Broadband networking ODM (Original Design Manufacture) industry is getting more competitive than ever recently. And this cause the profit margin decrease tremendously. In order to lower the cost and increase the profit margin, shorten the product development cycle time and make the design more cost effective are essential. Choosing the most cost competitive IC chip among numerous vendors and designing efficiently are the only way to survive in this competitive market for ODM vendors. The purpose of this study is to understand how to reach the lowest cost with high quality and compact product design as soon as the SPEC (specification) is finalized.PSO (Particle swarm optimizer) is the base for selection of solutions for wireless networking hardware development. The pros include Quick narrow-down selection; strengthen particle shake-hand; less parameter settings; faster searching and high availability. This has been applied in lots of field and studies. There are five portions in this study, including:1.Optimizer algorithm introduction.2.Wireless networking hardware design SPEC introduction.3.PSO application for cost optimizing of wireless networking product design and SPEC define.4.Before and after comparison by applying PSO.5.Conclusion and the advice for future studies.