本論文合成出兩個以芴分子延伸雙光子有機染料共軛長度的系統,並探討另一系統的線性與非線性光學行為表現。我們以吸收光譜儀、螢光光譜儀探討線性光學;以Nd:Yag Laser和Ti:Sapphire雷射激發染料分子探討非線性光學行為。第一系統是以氮原子為π電子共軛橋梁,延伸共軛結構變成樹狀分子,第二個系統則是改變分子其中一叉拉電子基觀察對分子的光學行為表現,第三個系統則是在乙烯上面接上不同數目或在不同位置上接取代基,探討是否共軛結構是否和雙光子吸收有正比的關係。In this thesis we have synthesized two series of chromophore with extended π-conjugation and another series are also been studied and discussed. We use UV/Visible absorption spectrometer and fluorescence spectrometer to study linear optical properties; use Nd:Yag Laser and Ti:Sapphire to probe nonlinear optical properties. In first series we use nitrogen atoms as π- bridge to extend conjugation to see whether if it’s a good π- bridge. In second series, four electron donor branches are fixed, only one electron acceptor branch is modified, thus we can inspect whether if it will does many differences on chromophores. The third series, with different number or orientation electron donors on carbon-carbon double bond, we can further study and realize molecular design in order to enhance 2PA.