摘要唾液酸在細胞間的交互作用、細菌與病毒的傳染以及腫瘤轉移扮演一個關鍵的辨識角色,因此發展出觀察細胞上唾液酸分佈的方法,可幫助我們了解唾液酸分子與疾病的關係。雖然細胞間的組成複雜,但是目前已有細胞代謝寡醣工程 (Metabolic Oligosaccharides Engineer, MOE) 方法,藉由餵養細胞甘露胺醣衍生物7a,可讓我們在生物體細胞表面表現修飾過的唾液酸共軛分子,以幫助我們在生物體內觀察其生化反應。因此本論文的目的在於改良目前的文獻實驗方法,發展更簡單、快速、低成本與高產率的合成方法,以合成甘露胺醣衍生物7a。AbstractSialic acids play important roles in many biological processes including cell-cell interaction, bacterial and viral infection as well as tumor metastasis. Developing a strategy to observe sialic acid distribution on cell surfaces can assist our understanding in the relationship between sialic acids and diseases. Metabolic oligosaccharide engineering (MOE) has been employed to express modified sialic acid derivatives on cell surfaces via glycan synthesis pathways in cells using mannosamine derivatives as the starting materials.In this thesis, due to the high costs of mannosamine, we aim to develop an efficient and novel method for the synthesis of mannosamine derivative 7a.