在染料敏化太陽能電池的應用上,所使用染料的優劣扮演著影響效率高低的一個重要腳色,在本文中開發了一類以碳烯 (Carbene) 結構為基礎的不對稱配位基,在與釕 (Ru) 金屬結合並藉由單晶結構確認其構型後,我們在配位基各個位置連結不同性質的取代基,對所合成出的染料進行一連串系統性的結構優化及性質探討,更開發出多個具高光電轉換效率的光敏染料,其中染料CI103在N719效率為8.43% 的條件下,其效率可高達9.32%,開創了將來釕金屬錯合物染料改良的一個嶄新途徑。In the application of dye-sensitized solar cells, the dye we use in device plays a major role which greatly affects the efficiency of solar cells. In the following thesis, we’ve developed a series of asymmetric ligands which based on carbene. We confirm the conformation of dye by the analysis of structure of monocrystal after we’ve successfully synthesized the ruthenium complex. We’ve tried to alter the different substituent on the each place of our ligands. Certainly, we‘ve also carried a series of discussion of physical properties and systematic modifications of molecular structures. And we did develop a few dyes which has high conver- sion efficiency. Among these dyes, CI103 dye has prominent performance of efficiency which up to 9.32% , however , N719 dye gets 8.43% of efficiency in the same condition as CI103. These dyes have found a new way of modification of ruthenium complex dyes.