研發一介面模組以便使建構於LUTOS作業系統架構之探八回收艙得以控制軍規GPS的設定並獲取定位資訊以追蹤飛航軌跡並導引回收作業。 本介面模組將原軍規GPS的通訊功能轉換成LUTOS之次系統的模組化協定架構。回收艙得以運用LUTOS的上控端功能操控軍規GPS並獲取量測數據。透過本介面模組所實現的LUTOS次模組協定功能有串流工作、命令設定、天線訊號路由選定、資料轉發轉存、狀態機控制、等。 為了增進研發效率,也開發了PC端規劃軟體以模擬回收艙主控之LUTOS上控端角色,得以獨立於回收艙外對GPS模組進行設定及控制等功能與效能測試。An interface module is developed to convert the command and data protocol of a military GPS receiver to comply with the LUTOS sub module protocol for the Recovery System RS. Through this interface module, RS Data Processing Unit DPU, acting as a higher level LUTOS control module to the GPS sub module, may setup, control, and acquire positioning data from the military GPS receiver as a nominal LUTOS sub module for flight path tracking and target guidance for recovery after the flight test. The LUTOS protocol functions implemented by the interface module are B2Bbus for data streaming, commands for parameter setup, antenna path selection, data telemetry transmission, control of the state machine. An RS DPU simulator is developed to run on PC so that the GPS system, namely the interface module and the military GPS, can be operated and tested independent of the RS for efficient project development.