本研究以幾何光學為基礎,探討新穎LED導光棒的V型微結構對出射光方向性之影響,並提出一種V型微結構的設計概念。內容以使用反射片的導光棒為模型,搭配光學模擬軟體對導光棒進行設計,針對V型微結構的幾何參數相對於出射光角度及出射光強度分佈進行分析,藉此討論V型微結構的光學特性。綜合導光棒V型微結構參數之模擬結果,我們發現V型微結構的角度及密度參數,皆會影響出射光線的方向性,因此,對於導光棒的設計上,以出射光線的直向性與出射光強度分佈集中於正向角±25度區間為目標,調整出較佳的V型微結構角度和密度參數。 為了有效達到控制出射光方向及出射光均勻度的目的,我們提出一種特殊V型微結構組合的概念,考慮至少雙V型微結構組合為一基本導光微結構單元。在基本導光微結構單元的結構參數經過適當的設計後,再針對此導光微結構單元的分佈密度進行設計,以達到出射光均勻度的要求目標。光線經過適當分佈的導光微結構單元後,若和一般常用的V型微結構(底角皆為45度)相比,我們的設計至少可將於正向角±25度範圍內的出射光線能量提高10%,且主要出射光角度接近0度,而出射光強度分佈亦具對稱性。In this thesis, we integrated the LED light guide bar based on concave V-shaped grooves with reflective sheets which are demonstrated by using optical simulation software. We try to recommend the concepts of design after analyzing the geometric parameters of V-shaped grooves influence on the light emitting in the front direction and the illumination angle distribution. The goal of this study is to propose a LED light guide bar model that is demonstrated to make the light emitting in the front direction, and the illumination angle distribution between ±25 with our designed using reflective sheets. After discussing the relationship between V-shaped grooves and the output light, we make at least a group of two V-shaped grooves as a micro-prism unit that are the same shape with density and angle. By using optical simulation software to control the distribution of illumination angle, the structure parameters of micro-prism unit and distribution are considered. It is found that the illumination angle of LED light guide bar is most concentrated within ±25 degrees.