本論文以開發太空氣象科學儀器酬載(Space Weather Science Instrument Payload)包含本體系統之工程體(Engineering Model)與飛行體(Flying Model)及開發系統之程式體(Programming Model)為目標,希望能完成系統穩定且高可靠度的氣象科學量測應用。 本太空氣象科學儀器酬載本體系統整合了主控數位訊號處理次系統(Digital Processing Unit)、電源供應處理次系統(DC/DC Power Supply)及以下五組科學儀器次系統:三軸地球磁場感測次系統(Magneto-Resistive Magnetometer)、分離式三軸地球磁場感測次系統(Separate Magneto-Resistive Magnetometer)、電漿電子溫度及濃度感測系統(Electron Temperature Probe & Electron Density Probe)、雙波長氣暉光剖面儀次系統(Airglow Photo-Tomograph Instrument)及酬載三軸加速度與旋轉速度感測次系統(Gravity & Gyro)。期望能藉由科學儀器酬載量測到的太空氣象數據,分析而得到太空氣象變化的相關線索。 為了確保資料的正確性及整個科學儀器酬載的穩定性,本論文並整合多個開發測試平台,建構出科學儀器酬載開發系統,可以針對科學儀器酬載的任務需求做功能及性能上的驗證。希望本論文所開發之太空氣象科學儀器酬載不論是硬體或韌體的設計上都能確實且穩定地執行所設定的任務目標及功能。This thesis aims to develop space weather science instrument payload including ontology system(engineering model and flying model) and development system(program model), hoping to complete the system stability and high reliability of weather science measurement applications. Ontology system of the space weather science instrument payload integrates digital signal processing unit, DC/DC power supply system and the following five scientific instruments system: magneto-resistive magnetometer sub-system, separate Magneto-Resistive magnetometer sub-system, plasma electron temperature and density probe sub-system, airglow photo-tomograph instrument sub-system, gravity and gyro sensing sub-system. Using the space weather data measured by the instrument, we expect to analyze the clues relating to space weather changes. In order to ensure the accuracy of the information and the stability of the scientific instruments payload, this thesis construct a scientific instrument payload development system that integrates multiple development platform and testing platform. The development system can help the scientific instrument payload on the mission requirements for functionality and performance verification. I hope the space weather science instrument payload, whether the objectives and functions of the design of hardware or firmware can be really stable implementation of the tasks set.