摘要: | 有鑑於全球暖化現象及氣候的變遷,全世界的天然災害頻傳,近年來台灣的降雨量也十分異常,有轉變為時間短而多雨量的強降雨型態,而新竹縣五峰鄉地處山地地區,平地面積只占全鄉面積的百分之十,故坡地災害為其最主要的災害類型,每當颱風或豪雨侵襲可能引發山崩或土石流災害時,五峰鄉公所必須啟動避難撒離及災民收容機制,以防止危險潛勢區域之保全住戶受到危害。五峰鄉地區災害防救計畫已於2011年完成修編的工作,並依計畫內容訂定各項疏散避難計畫及收容場所設置規劃,看似完備的機制,但實際在災害防救運作上仍發現仍有檢討的空間,本文希冀透過實地訪視及深入訪談方式找出相關缺點及問題所在,並能提供給五峰鄉公所作為兩年後修訂地區災害防救計畫之參考資料,以更強化其防救災應變能力。In view of global warming and climate change, natural disasters around the world occur frequently. In recent years, Taiwan's rainfall is also very abnormal, the precipitation change into the weather pattern of heavy rainfall. Additionally, Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County is located in the mountains regions. Moreover, It is the only ten per cent ground area of the size in Wefeng township, therefore, landslides is the most important type of disaster, Wufeng Township Office must start the evacuation, refuge and shelter mechanism, whenever typhoons or heavy rain invasion could trigger landslides or debris flow disasters, consequently, these mechanism can protect the residents who live in potential danger zone from disaster hazard. Wufeng Township, Disaster Prevention and Response Act have been amended in 2011, in addition. Wufeng Township establishes the refuge and evacuation plan which is based on Disaster Prevention and Response Act. In fact, a seemingly comprehensive mechanism still has the review which is in the operation of disaster prevention and response of the reality. Finally, the research could find the related shortcomings and problems by means of observation field and In-depth interview, besides; it could provide Wufeng Township with information as the reference that Regional Disaster Prevention and Response Act will be amended two years later. That information can enhance ability to respond to disaster. |