摘要: | 本論文以吳濁流生長的時代背景為中心,從其生平家世、求學過程及職場生涯,了解其性格及批判意識型塑。在面對日本及國府政權的統治下,臺灣人民是如何看待這段歲月,而知識分子又是以何種方式回應兩種政權的統治,其扮演的角色如何? 本研究時間斷限為1900年(明治33年)至1976年,此與吳濁流的生卒年一致。吳濁流出生在日治時期,對日本統治有深刻體認,經歷了多次抗日事件及第一次世界大戰、第二次世界大戰、二二八事件,在國府遷臺後又面臨到白色恐怖的威脅。本研究以終戰(1945年)前後作為吳濁流文學作品之分期界限,從時代背景切入,透過文學作品的介紹,以小說為主,回憶錄為輔,最後分析在兩個時期吳濁流之文學作品在表現主題、寫作手法及其關切重心是否一致或有其變化。 吳濁流與臺灣文學的發展密不可分,他經歷兩個不同政權的統治,也感受到強權之下文學的有志難伸。他認為自己應為臺灣文學的延續有所貢獻,故他在1964年創辦《臺灣文藝》,為臺灣文學盡一分心力,也提供文人創作的園地。This study centers on the background of the growth of Wu Cho-liu,From his life, family background, education, and career, To understand his personality and his shaping of critical awareness. In the face of the regimes of Japan and the National Government, how the people of Taiwan look at this time, And how the intellectuals respond to the two regimes, What roles they play? The time limit of this study is from 1900 (Meiji 34) to 1976,And it is consistent with the time when Wu Cho-liu's was born and died.Wu Cho-liu was born in the Japanese colonial period,He had a deep understanding of being ruled by Japan,He had experienced a number of anti-Japanese wars, the first world war, the second world war, and the 228 incident. He also faced terror threats after the National Government moved to Taiwan .The study takes it as the boundaries of Wu Cho-liu’s literary works around the end of the war (1945),It begins with the historical background, through the introduction to literary works, dominated by novels, and supplemented by memories.Finally, it analyzes the two periods of Wu Cho-liu’s literary works in the performance of the themes, skills and the coherences of his concerns. Wu Cho-liu is inextricably linked to the development of Taiwanese literature.He went through two different regimes, and he strongly felt literature hard to go on under the power of the regimes.He thought he should contribute to the continuation of Taiwanese literature,In 1964, he founded “Taiwanese Art and Literature” to devote himself to Taiwanese literature and provide a place for the creation of literary works. |