摘要: | 本研究採用水收支平衡觀念,建立桃園新坡、觀音、新屋灌區之系統動力區域迴歸水模式,依據研究區域土地利用類別,分別建構各分區之水平衡方程式,再將灌區之灌溉旬報表之引灌溉水量與觀測降雨量,輸入所建構模式模擬,以河川下游監測站流量資料進行驗證。本研究利用95年二期稻作期間監測資料探討區域迴歸水量大小、迴歸水特性、可供調配水量以及水田水平衡分析。 分析結果顯示,河川下游流量大都來自於農業迴歸水,新屋溪約佔60%、觀音溪為54%、大堀溪為62%,以日流量超越機率曲線Q90%所對應之流量與觀測流量其計算結果,可供調配水量新屋溪約11287CMD、觀音溪約5484CMD、大堀溪約113381CMD。此外,模擬期間之農業用地水平衡中以蒸發散量佔最大量,新屋溪、觀音溪、大堀溪分別為3.69、3.74、3.71mm/day,而側向滲漏量則分別約有1.59、1.48、1.36mm/day。 In this study the regional return flows in the Taoyuan Irrigation District were analyzed. By classifying landuse type of the study area, a system dynamic model based on water balance was developed for the SinPo, GuanYin, SinWu irrigation area. Field experiments were performed to measure rainfall, water quality, and stream discharge for the second rice farming period of 2006. Simulation results of regional return flows, return flow characteristics, water supply, and paddy water balance will be discussed in this study. The results show that the agriculture return flows were 60%, 54%, and 62% of the discharges measured in the SinWu, GuanYin and DaJyue rivers, respectively. By reserving Q90% for river flows, the amounts of return flows can be allocated were 11287CMD, 5484CMD and 113381CMD, respectively. From the results of the paddy water balance, the amounts of evapotranspiration were 3.69, 3.74 and 3.71 mm/day and the horizontal seepages were 1.59, 1.48 and 1.36 mm/day for the three irrigation areas, respectively. |