金屬粉末射出成型中脫脂為主要影響步驟,不當的脫脂會導致成品產生損壞,是限制整個金屬射出成型產能的主要關鍵。 在本研究中將利用Navier-Stokes方程式加上等位函數法,模擬毛細吸附脫脂的過程,探討在不同黏結劑、粉末顆粒間距和粒徑大小的情形下,毛細吸附脫脂的殘留率及粉末顆粒間產生的液橋現象,數值模擬結果顯示黏滯係數較小和表面張力較大的情形下有較低的殘留率,粉末顆粒間距長度與寬度的增加會有較低的殘留率,而粒徑長度太大或太小皆會有較高的殘留率。在顆粒頸部區域殘存的黏結劑受顆粒間距長度、寬度和粒徑大小的影響較黏結劑性質(黏滯係數、表面張力)明顯,顆粒間距長度和寬度增加及粒徑減小皆會造成子區域內空孔所佔面積增加,造成不可移除殘存率下降。Debinding is the most important process in the MIM. An improper debinding process will lead to damage in finished products. To analyze the residual saturation and liquid bridge phenomenon among particles in different working parameter, e.g., binder’s property, particle’s gap and diameter, navier-stokes equations and level set method are applied to simulate the debinding process in this research. Results show small viscosity and large surface tension lead to low residual saturation, and large gaps result in low residual saturation too. If particle’s diameter is too large or small, it will yield high residual saturation. The binders bounded in particles neck region are affected more by gap and particle’s diameter rather than by binder property, large gap and small diameter yield larger pore in the subdomain and result in a small irreducible saturation.