我們利用射頻磁控濺鍍法濺鍍並沉積靶材成分為53 wt.% In2O3及47wt.% ZnO的銦鋅氧化物透明導電薄膜(IZO)。我們將此研究分成三個部分,分別是利用不同射頻功率,不同氬氣流量和不同氧氣流量沉積IZO薄膜。在沉積的過程中,我們同時使用蘭牟爾探針和光發射光譜儀來觀察沉積時的電漿參數,像是電漿中的電子密度、離子密度、電漿電位﹒﹒﹒等參數。另一方面,我們也在沉積IZO薄膜之後,薄膜進行結構、成分和光電性質等分析。最後,我們希望能從電漿診斷和IZO的各種性質中找到關聯性,以利之後能製作出材料性質更佳的IZO透明導電薄膜。Transparent conducting oxide thin films of indium-zinc oxide (IZO) were deposited on glass substrates by RF magnetron sputtering using target composed of 53 wt.% In2O3 and 47wt.% ZnO. There are three cases for IZO thin films in this study: (1) IZO films were deposited using various RF power (2) IZO films were deposited using various Ar flow rate (3) IZO films were deposited using various O2 flow rate. Langmuir probe and optical emission spectrometer were used for plasma diagnostics during deposition process. Several parameters such as plasma potential, electron and ion densities were carefully recorded and analyzed. On the other hand, the structure of IZO thin films was examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The surface chemical component analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The electrical properties were measured by four-point probe and Hall effect with van der Pauw method. The optical properties were determined by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis). Finally, correlations between process parameters (RF power, Ar flow rate and O2 flow rate) and IZO thin films’ properties were assessed based upon the results from the plasma diagnostics.