摘要: | 本子計畫為呼應科教處本年度徵求計畫重點【SSK07】想像力培育政策導向型研究計畫。旨在發展國小學童如何在船舶專題製作課程中,進行想像力和創意培育及應用。本計畫特點在藉由創意思考螺旋課程(Creative Thinking Spiral )課程設計架構以及船舶專題製作競賽來探討想像力的行為歷程、想像力表現、動機策略、想像力作品創意。因此本計畫目標包括(1)規劃創意思考螺旋課程,並發展教材;(2) 發展想像力與創造力情意量表、學習動機問卷及線上討論平台等想像力評估工具;(3)辦理想像力創意設計競賽,探討學生學習成效、學習動機及行為策略,以修正教學模式、策略及教材,最後進而推廣至各校。本子計畫預計實施兩年,以國小高年級學生為研究對象,研究方法採文獻探討、修正式德懷術(Modified Delphi Technique)問卷調查法、系統開發法、準實驗研究法、行為序列分析法、數位教材評估等。期望能夠藉由船舶製作專題課程培育國小高年級學童的想像力,並發展出一套適合國小高年級學生想像力教學策略的教學模組,並進而將此課程推廣至各級學校。此外,本子計畫也會將研究成果投稿至SSCI專業學術期刊及國際研討會中。 This subproject corresponds to the missions of policy-oriented research project SSK07 to develop students’ imagination. The purposes of this subproject will develop a serious of project-based courses about boat design based on the idea of creative thinking spiral model, and further investigate the behavioral process of imagination and creativity expression, learning motivation and strategies, and analyze students’ creative products. Therefore, there are three main focuses in this subproject: (1)design and develop learning activities and learning materials based on creative thinking spiral model. (2)develop tools for evaluating students’ imagination, like: imagination and creative motivation scale, imagination motivated strategies learning questionnaire, and online discussion platform. (3)hold competitions for creative design, and further investigate the relations among students’ learning motivation, strategies, learning materials, and learning activities and material design. This is a two-year project, and students in fifth and sixth grade will participate in this project. The methods, like: Modified Delphi technique, quasi-experimental method, usability testing techniques, and sequential analysis will be used to collect and analysis data. This project hopes to develop a series of learning modules for enhancing students’ imagination and creativity, and promote the learning content and learning modules to different schools. Furthermore, the results of this project would be submitted to SSCI journals and international conferences to increase the impact and visibility of this project. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107 |