隔震支承雖可有效地降低傳遞至橋梁上部結構的地震力,但在強震下,上部結構仍然會產生相當大的位移反應。雖然安裝被動消能器(如黏滯阻尼裝置等)可降低受震反應,但橋梁受震時外加阻尼器會對橋墩產生額外的作用力,若阻尼器設計及配置不當,即可能造成反效果。故本研究的主要目的便是提出一種以高階啟發式搜尋法來設計不等高橋墩隔震橋梁外加黏滯阻尼器的最佳阻尼係數組合及配置位置,使隔震橋梁受震反應最小化。橋梁系統的橋面版假設為剛體,橋墩與橡膠支承的受力行為假設為完全彈塑性,並以Bouc-Wen 遲滯模型模擬。最佳設計演算法是採用由粒子群法(Particle Swam Optimization Method, PSO)結合模擬退火法(Simulated Annealing method, SA)形成之混合式搜尋法PSO-SA來搜尋最佳阻尼係數,期使系統之受震反應降低。為了能夠達到有效的設計,研究中將會針對不等高橋墩之橋梁進行分析與設計,分別探討遠域和近域強震下的最佳阻尼係數組合及隔震效益,並驗證本研究所提出之最佳化設計法的可行性與實用性。The isolation system has been extensively adopted in bridges to mitigate the induced seismic force. However, the deck displacements of isolated bridges may become excessively large under extreme ground motions. Although the installation of supplemental damping devices can mitigate the seismic responses of isolated bridges, the columns may subject to extra forces induced by the supplemental dampers so that the displacements of columns and bearings may increase under strong earthquakes if the supplemental dampers are not properly designed. The objective of this research is to develop an optimal design methodology for viscous damping device, which is capable of determining not only the optimal damper locations but also their corresponding optimal damping coefficients. In particular, the isolated bridges with columns of irregular heights will be focused in this study. During the analysis, the deck is considered to be rigid, and resisting forces of all structural members, including rubber bearings and columns, are assumed to exhibit perfect elastic-plastic behavior. The nonlinear restoring forces of the isolators and columns are simulated by the Bouc-Wen hysteresis model. The hybrid meta-heuristic searching algorithm adopted in this research is a method combing particle swan optimization (PSO) and simulated annealing (SA) named as PSO-SA method. The optimal combination of damping coefficients for the viscous dampers installed on irregular isolated bridges will be designed for near field and far field ground motions, respectively. The validity of the proposed design methodology and the efficiency in mitigating the seismic response of the irregular isolated bridges when the optimal designed dampers are adopted will then be discussed 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107