摘要: | 明代小說戲曲多取材自唐代小說的現象,是許多研究者關注的話題,本文探討的「唐俠女」劇作,已有許多相關研究,包括「唐俠女」的形象、藝術手法、審美、創作心理、形成原因、反映的社會背景、對後世文學作品的影響等,對唐代俠女故事有了較為全面的探討。但是劇作家為何在明代政治衰亂之際,選擇同樣出現於世亂的「唐俠女」作為寄託?為何劇作家皆集中於吳地?中晚明士人熱衷改編前朝舊作,與唐代崇俠尚奇相似的審美趣味反映的心理,皆未見相關的探討。 「唐俠女」劇作以張鳳翼《紅拂記》最富盛名,亦為明代劇作家改編唐代俠女故事的濫觴。《紅拂記》推出後,在劇壇引起了廣大的迴響,更吸引了張太和、凌濛初、劉方、馮夢龍等人先後據以改作。從現存的劇目,可以發現明中葉以後劇作家對於改編同時代創作者的衍生文本,具有高度的興趣。促成改作的動機,以及從改作反映出的創作者自身映照與寄託,都是本文關注的重點。 本文透過唐俠女劇作家身處的政局、文學、思想的分析,進而對當日士人崇俠尚奇的文化得到較為全面的探討,最後並參考心理學的論述,歸結出士人的人性、心理與社會文化的關係,以期對明代中葉以後江南士人在世道衰亂之際的心理狀態,得到更深刻而細緻的詮釋。 The issue of the phenomenon that most fiction dramas in Ming Dynasty obtained materials from fictions in Tang Dynasty has been one of the most popular concerns for many researchers. The “Female Knight of Tang Dynasty” play discussed in this essay have been researched through various aspects, including the literature image of Female Knights, the artistry of the fiction, the aesthetic theory represented in fictions, the developments of the contemporary society, the background information of the females in Tang, Tang authors’ creation motive, the influence on later literary works. However, during Ming dynasty, in which emperors’ political power declined and society disordered, the motive of Ming play writers selected the materials of "Female Knights in Tang Dynasty", in which implied similar social background, is questioned in this essay. Furthermore, the analysis of play writers’ gathering in Wu Area, addiction of rewrite previous Tang plays in middle and late Ming, the similar aesthetic theory with Tang, in which admired Knights and wired plots, will be discussed in this essay. Among these plays of Female Knights in Tang, "Hong Fu Ji " by Zhang Feng-Yi is not only the most famous one but also the beginning of the rewriting trend, which play writers in Ming obtained Tang stories of Female Knights. The releasing of "Hong Fu Ji" had aroused many feedback from play writers such as Zhang Tai-He, Ling Meng-Chu, Liu Fang, Feng Meng-Long. According to the existing repertoire of Chinese plays, the high-interest of rewriting contemporary plays by play-writers in Middle and late Ming could be proved. In this essay, the motive and the mental implication of these Ming play writers will be focused. Though the analysis of play writers who were authors of Tang Female Knights stories in Ming, in various aspects, including political situation, literature development, and ccontemporary ideological trend in Tang, this assay will discuss the reason why Ming intelligentsia admired Knights and weird plot stories, analysis the relationship between intelligentsia’s humanity and social responsibility, and deeply extend the conclusion of intelligentsia’s ideological trend in Wu Area after Middle Ming Dynasty. |