環境系統與經濟系統之間有著密不可分的關係,近年台灣經濟的急速成長,使得環境污染等相關議題接踵而至,在各式環境污染中,由於水資源之品質與人們的生活息息相關,故水資源汙染為一改善急迫性較高之議題,有鑑於此,本研究以中港溪流域為例,分別以一般水資源分析常用之RPI 與WQI綜合指標,進行敘述性分析、迴歸分析、因素分析,最終以兩種綜合指標分析結果,來進行交叉分析,得知在汙染特性方面,中港溪流域受畜牧業、化工業、造紙業、石油化學業與家庭廢水等汙染甚為嚴重,並建立中港溪水質特性表,在水質分析方面,本研究經由高階統計比較RPI與WQI水質評估模式,研究結果指出WQI水質評估模式較適用於中港溪水質評估,水質檢驗方面建議提高冬季檢驗的頻率,以期中港溪之水質能夠有效的改善,此外建議未來相關單位在進行水質評估時亦能採用峰度與偏態等之分析方式,以在較短的時間準確的掌握目標流域的水質狀況。 There exists an inseparable relationship between environmental and economic. Taiwan's rapid economic growth in past decades leads to severe environment pollution. In a variety of environmental pollution, water pollution is closely related to our lives and have drawn great attention from the public. For this reason, this research through descriptive analysis, regression analysis, factor analysis and cross analysis methods with RPI and WQI water quality assessment model to analysis water quality of Chong-Kong River. It was found that livestock, chemical, paper, petroleum industrial discharge and domestic wastewaters have seriously polluted the Chong-Kong River. Compared to RPI model, the WQI model was found to be more suitable when assessing the water quality for Chong-Kong River Using skewness and kurtosis, the unusual events, the discharge patterns, such high concentration of low frequency discharge, regular high concentration discharge, and etc., can be determined. By such analysis, the monitored water quality can be further examined and provide more information for development of water quality management policy.