目錄 本研究利用模板法製作出整齊的多孔碳並應用於燃料電池陰極觸媒擔體。首先以四種不同粒徑的矽微粒球做為模板,經由酚醛樹脂填入、碳化後可得四種不同孔徑的多孔洞碳。還原白金奈米粒於多孔洞碳上後探討不同孔徑的多孔洞碳對觸媒有哪些影響。 從SEM圖可發現多孔洞碳的孔徑及結構與模板形狀、尺寸大小及排列方式有關係,氣體吸附分析藉由BET公式可計算出多孔洞碳的比表面積,其結果皆比商用碳黑XC-72R高,且值隨著碳材孔徑變小有變大的趨勢。還原觸媒並確定擔載量皆在20wt%附近後,利用TEM影像進行觸媒粒徑統計,發現使用醇類還原法可成功製備出分散均勻且小顆的白金觸媒,其平均粒徑隨著碳材表面積變大有變小的趨勢,與XRD繞射峰半高寬逐漸變緩符合,CV的分析更能證明小顆粒觸媒能提供較多的活性表面積。此外,XPS分析的化學位移現象判斷為金屬氧化態含量較高所導致。LSV分析可比較觸媒在陰極的活性,發現ORR受到觸媒顆粒大小、活性表面積、金屬氧化物含量及碳材結構所共同影響。以CV長時間測試來觀察觸媒穩定性,發現比表面積較大的碳材其觸媒活性表面積變化較不大。 Abstract We used template transfer method to fabricate ordered porous carbons and used the porous carbon as the catalyst support for fuel cell application. At first, four different size silica spheres were synthesized as the templates and finally obtained ordered porous carbon with different pore size after the procedure of phenolic formaldehyde resin injection, carbonization and tamplate etching. In this study we mainly focus on the effects of different pore size porous carbons on the catalyst. The SEM images showed that the pore size and structure of the porous carbon were affected by the shape, partical size and the arrangment of the template. ASAP analysis indicated that the ordered porous carbons had higher BET surface area than commercial carbon black and the value increased with decreasing pore size of porous carbon. Small Pt nanoparticles (NPs) with uniform dispersion were successfully grown on the orderd porous carbons by using polyol reducing method. Pt loadings for all samples were all close to 20wt%. Particle sizes of Pt were measured from TEM images. The mean particle size of Pt was found to be smaller when grown on higher surface area carbon. The same trend was also observed from the XRD results. CV analysis further proved that ECSA increased when the Pt NPs became smaller. In addition, the high percentage of Pt-oxides caused the chemical shift in XPS analysis. Therefore, the Pt NPs size, ECSA, Pt-oxide amount and support structure all can influence the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity. The long term test was used to test the catalytic stability and we found that ECSA was much stable for Pt grown on the higher surface area porous carbon.