本實驗製作一個以水-矽膠為吸附配對的吸附式空調系統並測試其性能。實驗的測試段包括兩種不同型式的小型吸附床與兩組不同的冷凝器。第一種吸附床是在三公釐的銅管上塗佈兩公釐厚矽膠的圓銅管吸附床,使用的矽膠為0.8公斤。另一個則是和圓銅管吸附床相同體積的扁平管熱交換器來當做吸附床的扁平管吸附床。扁平管吸附床同樣在上面塗佈兩公釐厚的矽膠,使用的矽膠量為1.46公斤。第一個冷凝器為圓銅管冷凝器,第二種則是鰭管式冷凝器。 實驗條件方面,熱水溫度為75、80℃,冷卻水溫度為25、30℃,冰水溫度是20℃,循環時間圓管吸附床為6、12、20分鐘,扁平管為20、30、40分鐘。 實驗結果顯示,圓銅管吸附床並沒有製冷,這是由於吸附床的製冷量損耗在腔體本身的熱容上。而扁平管吸附床的實驗結果顯示,當熱水溫度越高、冷卻水溫度越低,循環時間越長,會有較高的性能。而更換鰭管式冷凝器並沒有造成比較好的性能。 In this study, a silica gel-water adsorption system is designed and the system performance is measured. Two different adsorption beds and two different condensers are tested in the experiment. One adsorption bed is made by 3mm diameter copper tubes and the thickness of coated silica gel is 2mm. The silica gel weight of copper-tubes adsorption bed is 0.8 kg. Another adsorption bed is made by flat-tube heat exchanger whose volume and thickness of silica gel are the same as copper-tube adsorption bed. The weight of silica gel is 1.46 kg. The first condenser is a copper tube heat exchanger; another is a fin-tube heat exchanger. In experimental condition, there are two different temperatures of hot water, 75 and 80℃; two different temperatures of cooling water, 25 and 30℃. The temperature of cold water is 20℃. The cycle time are 6、12 and 20 minutes in copper-tube adsorption bed experiment. And in flat-tube adsorption bed experiment, the cycle time are 20、30 and 40 minutes. The result shows that the copper-tube adsorption bed doesn’t refrigerate the water of evaporator. It is because that the cooling power of copper-tube adsorption bed is not enough to cool the heat capability of total vacuumed chamber. And it also indicates that the higher temperature of hot water、the lower temperature of cooling water and the longer cycle time, the COP(coefficient of performance) of flat-tube adsorption bed is higher. And COP doesn’t increase by replacing the copper-tube condenser to fin-tube condenser.