隨著航空科技的日新月異,人所扮演的角色以及被期待發揮的功能也與日俱進,從初期探討硬體、軟體設計議題,逐漸走向環境與人及人與人等問題,其組員資源管理(Crew Resources Management, CRM)為航空安全注入一股新的生命力,而第六代組員資源管理發現,人是無法避免錯誤的發生,只能儘可能的去預防失誤的產生,以及失誤產生如何有效的排解。綜觀飛安研究,以飛航組員與管制員,以及飛航組員間的研究仍佔大宗,鮮少有議題探討飛航組員與客艙組員的協調合作,故本研究是探討飛航組員與客艙組員間溝通協調進行研究,以期改善兩者溝通協調構面的相關重要因素。 為驗證所建構之模式在飛航組員與客艙組員溝通協調因素的適配性,本研究採用結構方程式模型作為分析工具,分別對飛航組員與客艙組員進行確認性因素分析與路徑分析。研究模式分為兩部分,第一部分以飛航組員為研究對象,研究結果顯示環境因素對人為因素呈反向的影響關係;環境因素對溝通態度有正向的影響關係;法規因素對人為因素有正向關係;法規因素對溝通態度有正向關係;組織因素對人為因素有正向的關係;組織因素對溝通態度有正向的關係;人為因素對溝通態度有正向關係。第二部份為客艙組員為主,組織因素對溝通態度沒有正向的影響關係,該假設不成立;環境因素對人為因素有正向影響關係;環境因素對溝通態度有正向的影響關係;法規因素對人為因素有正向關係;法規因素對溝通態度有正向關係;組織因素對人為因素有正向的關係;人為因素對溝通態度有正向關係。對整體架構而言,飛航組員與客艙組員有顯著差異,其中環境因素與溝通態度構面達顯著水準,另外飛航組員與客艙組員所重注的變數亦有差異,事後比較結果呈現飛航組員會優於客艙組員。 根據上述結果,影響飛航組員與客艙組員溝通協調最大主因為法規因素,溝通態度會被人為因素所影響,而影響溝通態度和人為因素的關鍵亦在於法規因素,相關法規應避免有模糊地帶,造成機組員心理矛盾。飛航組員工作環境屬於封閉安靜型,客艙組員則為開放吵雜多元環境,不同的工作環境下心理因素會產生不同之處,對此航空公司需多安排客艙組員與飛航組員間的聯合訓練,對手冊中與兩組員有關之規範亦該特別註明和訓練,加強緊急應變處理之能力,並且注重於組員之間相互了解與溝通心態的時機。 Through a questionnaire survey, this study describes the importance of communication and coordination between cockpit crew and cabin crew. According to the previous study, communication is the main reason of human factors which affect flight safety incident. Communication quality between cabin crew and cockpit crew is an important issue on aviation security. The purpose of this study tries to figure out the influence of the communication attitudes between cabin crew and cockpit crew due to the organization and cabin culture. However, there are few study to address this issue in the context of airline safety. Therefore, the communication of the cabin crew and cockpit crew is the main target in this study. The study conducted a questionnaire survey for the cabin crew and cockpit crew of the four airlines in Taiwan. First of all, the study confirmed the factors which affect communications and coordination between cabin and cockpit. Second, the study used Structural Equation Model (SEM) as an analytical tool to implement Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Path Analysis for cabin and cockpit, respectively. For cockpit, the result shows that regulatory factors will positively influence communication attitudes, and organizational factors will positively influence human factors. But environmental factors will negatively influence human factors. For cabin, the result shows that regulatory factors will positively influence both human factors and communication attitudes. It can be seen that regulatory factors play an important role in cabin and cockpit crew training. Finally, according to the results we bring up the conclusion and suggestion that knowing human errors, reducing the risk of flight and finding the preventive measures of accident are important factors which enhancing flight safety and accident prevention.