摘要: | 劉銘傳裁隘之研究—以竹苗地區的隘墾社會為中心 摘 要 本文討論主題是以光緒十二年(1886)劉銘傳在臺灣實施的裁隘為主。本文在國家與地方互動的框架之下,討論光緒十二年(1886)劉銘傳執行裁隘對竹苗地區隘墾社會的改變與影響,瞭解晚清時期清政府如何運用國家力量處理臺灣地方事務。 光緒十年(1884)中法戰爭後,劉銘傳利用臺灣善後工作以及臺灣建省的機會,展開各項建設工作。為尋找撫番與建設經費來源,劉銘傳決定於光緒十二年(1886)四月執行裁隘,並以官辦隘勇取代民間隘丁,民間隘租歸公辦理撫番事務,增設撫墾局等方式,企圖以優勢政治和軍事力量整編隘墾社會,使國家力量能夠有效管理隘墾社會。 劉銘傳執行裁隘引起隘墾社會的不滿,使官民關係因衝突而緊張;加上隘租歸公後,墾戶與佃戶必須重新面對與確定彼此的權利與義務關係,使隘墾社會內部亦充滿緊張與對立,這些都是劉銘傳執行裁隘時所面臨的問題。此外,裁隘也改變隘墾社會政治與經濟結構,影響裁隘後隘墾社會的發展。 透過本文對劉銘傳裁隘的探討可以知道,劉銘傳執行裁隘時,自恃其優勢的政治軍事力量,而忽略民間傳統習慣與現實考量,引起隘墾社會治理危機。同時裁隘使隘墾社會內部存在已久的業佃族群、籍貫、城鄉身分等矛盾再度浮現,業佃則透過訴訟方式正視並解決之。此外,裁隘也使國家力量得以藉由新墾號的成立籠絡地方家族,一度有效管理隘墾社會的發展,並且藉由撫墾局獲取山林利益。然而隨著光緒十七年(1891)劉銘傳的去職,使得非正式組織撫墾局政治權力大幅萎縮,國家機器無法適時配合,於是隘墾社會再度逐漸脫離國家有效管理之範疇,山區採私樟與原住民騷擾問題日益嚴重,但也重新給予隘墾經驗豐富的墾戶與地方家族再度發展其勢力的契機。 關鍵字:劉銘傳、裁隘、墾隘組織、隘墾社會 The Research of Liu Ming-Chuan’s Abolition of the Guard Posts Based on Frontier Society in Chu Miao Region Abstract The theme of this research is to discuss the abolition of the guard posts carried out in Taiwan by Liu Ming-Chuan in 1886, under the framework of interaction between the government and the local society, the researcher discusses about the changes and impacts on frontier society in Chu Miao region due to the carry out of the abolition of the guard posts by Liu Ming-Chuan and how the late Ching government handled Taiwan local affairs through the state’s power. After Sino-French war in 1884, Liu Ming-Chuan took the chances of handling the aftermath of war and the establishment of Taiwan province, starting various construction works. In order to obtain financial resources for construction and pacification, he decided to carry out abolition of the guard posts since April of 1886, substituted civilian frontier guards with official ones, collected the frontier guard rent for pacification and set up a bureau of pacification and reclamation etc, attempting to reform frontier society by predominant political and military power and making the government to manage frontier society efficiently. The abolition of guard posts caused the resentment from the frontier society, intensified the tension between the officials and the civilians, also because the frontier guard rent was converted to the government income, the landlords and the tenants had to re-face and ensure their rights and duties, which also intensified the tension and antagonism inside the frontier society, all these are what Liu Ming-Chuan had to confront when executed the abolition of the guard posts. Besides, the abolition also changed the political and economical structure of the frontier society, affected the development of the frontier society thereafter. Through this research on the abolition of the guard posts, we know Liu Ming-Chuan counted on his predominant political and military power, ignoring traditional civilian custom and reality which leaded to the crisis of management in frontier society. In the meantime, the abolition of guard posts again brought about the rise of long existing contradictions among people of landlords and tenants, different nationalities, towns and countryside etc., the landlords and tenants usually confronted and solved their disputes through lawsuits. Also, the abolition of the guard posts cultivated popularities among local families, in a time efficiently managed frontier society and obtained the benefit from mountain forests through the Bureau of Pacification and Reclamation. However, as the resign of Lu Ming-Chuan in 1891, the power of unofficial organization Bureau of Pacification and Reclamation weakened substantially, the government couldn’t works properly in time, so frontier society gradually broke away from effective management of the government, the problems of cutting camphor privately in mountain areas and annoyance from the aborigines got intensively severe. However, it provided chances for experienced cultivators and local families to develop their influences once again. Key words: Liu Ming-Chuan, the abolition of frontier guard posts, frontier reclamation organization, frontier society |