摘要: | 本論文以臺灣基督長老教會(簡稱長老教會)於1970年代所發表的三大宣言為中心,探討臺灣政教關係之演變。除了對長老教會在臺傳教的歷史發展重整外,並就長老教會的神學思想與信仰精神、本土神學思潮、與組織結構,加以討論,且分析發表三大宣言之前,長老教會與各時期統治政權的互動,最後針對三大宣言發表的背景、經過、影響,及政教關係的演變,作深入的分析與探討。 長老教會於十九世紀中葉來臺傳教迄今,已超過一百四十年。經歷滿清政府、日本政府、中華民國政府的統治。期間除了傳教外,更致力於醫療、教育、原住民等社會服務與關懷。而長老教會最為外界所注意的,則是在1970年代所發表的三次政治性宣言。三大宣言的發表,也開始了教會主動的政治參與,並使得長老教會與政府之間的政教關係產生變化。 促使長老教會與政府關係產生變化,最直接的影響因素是國際外交局勢的變動。1970年代的臺灣,正處於外交困境,對社會與政治造成很大的衝擊,長老教會除了關心原本的宣教運動、社會服務外,也開始強調對政治的關懷。長老教會不僅關切國內的政治狀況,也關心臺灣國際地位的問題,進而發表政治性的三大宣言。但由於長老教會所提之主張與政府的立場不完全一致,故形成長老教會與政府關係的緊張與惡化,也引起社會各界的質疑與批判。 長老教會面對來自政府當局的壓力、社會各界的批判,採取的方式是澄清與回應,並不因此而屈服,仍堅持三大宣言的主張及長老教會原本的決議。之後的長老教會,即使與政府當局之間關係持續惡化,但依舊秉持著基督教的信仰,延續擴大三大宣言的精神,繼續關懷臺灣的政治與社會。 This paper describes the historical relationship between Taiwan’s government and the Taiwan Presbyterian Church, based on the “Three Declaration” statements announced by the church during decade of 1970. First of all, it shows the historical development of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, but it also discusses the Presbyterian Church's theological thinking, spiritual beliefs, country’s theology trend and organization structures. In addition, it analyzes the interaction between the Presbyterian Church and the state power of each period before published the Three Declarations. Finally, it further analyzes and discusses the background, procedures, reflection and the evolution of the relationship between Church and State. Since mid of the 19th century to date, the Presbyterian Church has been doing the missionary works more than 140 years. It has passed through the period of Manchu Government, the Japanese government and the government of the ROC. During these periods, it’s not only dedicated to spread the religion among people, but it also helps in the area of health care, education and other social services such as care to indigenous people. But the most attention by the outside world to the Presbyterian Church, it’s the three political Declarations announced in 1970. The publishing of these three major Declaration, is to let the Church to start the political participation, and changes the relationship between the Presbyterian Church and the State. The most influencing factor causing the changes in the relation between the Presbyterian Church and the Government was the transformation of the international diplomatic situation. In the 70s decade, Taiwan faced a dilemma that caused a great impact to the society and the politic, and from that moment, the Presbyterian Church not only worried about missions, social services, but also started to emphasize its political concern in the nation’s situation and the Country’s international issues. It is then that the Three political Declarations are published. However, the Church’s view differed from that of the Government, causing tension between both parties and leading to the society’s distrust and critiques. Facing pressure from the authorities and the society’s critiques, the Church decided to clarify and to respond, and not to submit. They insisted in the claim for the Three Declarations and the original decision made by the Church. Even thou the relation between the Church and the Authority continued to worsen, it continued to maintain the Christian’s beliefs, to expand the spirit of theThree Declarations, the society issues and the politic of Taiwan. |