當電子、汽車、醫療、航太及軍事國防等工業蓬勃發展且朝更精密和微小化邁進的今日,勢必更需要有可供快速大量生產、輕量化、高性能、壽命長、成本低廉的材料和加工成型技術。超高分子量聚乙烯(Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, UHMWPE) 具有耐衝擊、耐磨損、自潤滑性、耐化學腐蝕等優異性能,不過因其流動性極差,所以大部份的加工方式都以熱壓或擠製為主。而隨著近年來材料科學快速的發展,UHMWPE 也發展出更適合利用射出成型的方式來進行加工。因此,本計畫將使用射出成型和射出壓縮成型來探討UHMWPE 應用於成型微結構時的機械性質和充填情況,研究過程將分三年來執行,第一年主要是藉由成形微小拉伸試片來探討各項主要製程參數對材料充填性和機械性質的影響,同時以商用軟體Moldflow 模擬UHMWPE 的流動情形並與實驗結果相互對照驗證;第二年則是以微機電製程(MEMS)和電鑄加工出微結構模仁,並以第一年所獲得之研究成果來設計修正出最適合UHMWPE 成形的模具和製程參數,然後觀察量測其微結構的成形性;第三年為整合前兩年所獲得之製程加工技術,以MEMS、電鑄和熔射製模技術加工出微齒輪模仁,然後以射出/射壓成型微齒輪,再將其配對並以氣體或流體驅動的方式檢測微齒輪的實用性與耐久性。 Increasing the mechanical properties of micro-structures is one of the most important issues in the now and future. Therefore, injection molding (IM), injection compression molding (ICM) processes and injection grade Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) are used in this proposal. This proposal is divided three years. The effects of process parameters and cross-sectional dimensions on the tensile strength of with and without a weld line will be discussed at first year, follow, micro-structures insert will be fabricated by micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) and electroforming, and then it made by IM and ICM. In this stage, the process parameters and replications will be discussed. Final year, micro-gears insert will be made by MEMS and electroforming, and shaped by IM and ICM too. The Taguchi method and single-factor parametric analysis will apply to all study the effects of molding parameters on part quality. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007