本研究報告嘗試從相關學術理論及模式比對個案公司以實獲值衡量專案軟體開發人事成本績效之績效管理制度(下稱新系統)作研究。透過文獻探討、問卷調查與前後期財務績效結果,獲致以下研究結論: 從個案公司員工對績效管理系統的滿意度調查結果來看,新系統是符合個案公司之需求的。因為滿意度調查結果顯示員工對新系統的滿意程度較舊系統高,且在各個面向的滿意度分數都是大幅度提升的。 從個案公司近4年的財務報表,得知在員工人數、收入及支出皆無明顯變化的狀況下。營業利潤從2006年的虧損2,097萬到2009年的獲利612萬,可推論新系統是可協助公司強化專案軟體開發人事成本績效,提升專案軟體開發營業利潤的。 因此以實獲值衡量專案軟體開發人事成本績效在個案公司的研究結果是可行的。 This study attempts to develop a model related to the case study than Application of earned value to measure personnel cost performance of software development project (hereinafter referred to as the new system) for research. Through literature review, questionnaires, and pre-and post-financial performance results, to achieve the following conclusions. From the case on the performance management system and employee satisfaction survey results, the new system is consistent with the case company needs. Because the staff satisfaction survey showed that more satisfaction with the new system than the old system , overall for the satisfaction scores were improved significantly. From the case company's financial statements for the past 4 years, the number of employees and revenues and expenses were no significant changes in the conditions. Operating profit from a loss in 2006 from 20,972 K to 2009 years of earnings 6,123 K . The new system can be inferred that it can help companies to improve operating profit. Therefore, application of earned value to measure personnel cost of software development project on the results in the case study is feasible.