摘 要 本研究以胡宗憲做為研究主題,探討胡宗憲在明代「抗倭」上的作為。從胡宗憲的行事中,可以分析胡宗憲如何經營人脈,運用靈活的政治手脕,處理官場上複雜的人際關係。經由胡宗憲參與的「抗倭」戰爭,可以了解胡宗憲在「抗倭」戰爭中的運作與貢獻。胡宗憲一連串關鍵性的決策,使「倭寇」得到初步的評定,因此,胡宗憲實是影響明代「抗倭」戰爭發展的重要人物。 胡宗憲接任浙江巡撫後,面對「倭寇」勢力龐大,而明軍積弱,胡宗憲在敵強己弱的態勢下,運用計謀與戰術,將「倭寇」的兩大勢力徐海與王直逐步剿滅,這部份的功勞不可抹滅。 胡宗憲為達到平定「倭寇」的目標,他做事亦正亦邪,行事風格遊走邊緣,頗有爭議。但在那時朝政為嚴嵩把持,世宗又喜怒無常、深不可測下,胡宗憲卻是一個有能力,適合此職位之人。在對的時間對的位置,他稱職扮演自己的角色,與上位者關係良好,以利戰事推動。於下則知人善用,許多人才甘心為胡宗憲效命,投身其門下。 胡宗憲的一生最終以悲劇收場,經歷大起大落,是胡宗憲能力的展現,同時也是胡宗憲不拘小節、便宜行事的作風加上生活奢糜所形成的結果。但影響的他的行事風格除了胡宗憲本身的個性外,政治環境是影響胡宗憲從政風格的重要因素。面對世宗,以及意見紛亂的朝廷,胡宗憲使戰事能順利的推行,因此世人應給胡宗憲一個合理的歷史評價,不因其人品而忽略其作為。 Abstract This research aims to examine Tsung-Hsien Hu’s pirate-resisting actions in Ming Dynasty. From his behavior style we can analyze how he established human resource and handled sophisticated relationships in officialdom via adept political skills. Through Tsung-Hsien Hu’s participating in the pirate-resisting war, his operations and contributions in this war can be revealed. The pirates were roughly annihilated because of a series of his key strategies; therefore, Tsung-Hsien Hu is an important figure of the pirate-resisting war development in Ming Dynasty. Facing pirates’ huge domination and Ming Dynasty’s weak military strength after taking over as the governor of Jei-Chian, Tsung-Hsien Hu employed strategies and tactics to gradually destroy two prevailing branches of pirates reined in by Shi-Hai and Wang-Chi, which was an impressive contribution. To eliminate pirates as his goal, Tsung-Hsien Hu behaved without precise ethics, gaining criticism for his risk-taking characteristics. With the then government, however, controlled by Yan-Song and the emperor Ming Shizone emotionally unpredictable and unfathomable, Tsung-Hsien Hu was quite fitting into this post—He played well his role at right time and right place with good relationship with the emperor to facilitate war progress; besides, he could judge people’s worth and know how to best employ them, making his subordinates willing to render loyal service to him. That Tsung-Hsein Hu’s life ended in a tragedy, wherein he exhibited great capability in undergoing a variety of extreme experiences, arose form his not minding trifle formalities, his handling matters at his discretion and rotten life. Besides his personal characteristics, political environment had also a huge impact on his behavior patterns. Though dealing with Ming Shizone and chaotic dynasty, Tsung-Hsien Hu proceeded with military victory. He deserves a reasonable historic evaluation from people without considering his contentious characters.