雖然人力資源管理在近年台灣的各大企業受到相當的重視,然而卻缺乏有系統的調查與瞭解。Lawler 等學者(2001)的長期問卷追蹤美國企業發現人力資源管理部門在角色轉換以及對於組織的效能有顯著的影響,尤其是發現專注於發展核心價值、職能、與知識資產以及特別注重組織績效的公司會比較將HR 當成是企業的策略性夥伴,而且在這些類型的公司中, HR 部門有比較多的轉變。因此本研究有四個目的:第一、瞭解目前台灣人力資源管理在商業環境下為回應商業策略的需求所做出的改變。第二、本研究將作為觀察HR 脈動發展的第一站,將以時間縱貫性的資料收集方法來瞭解與衡量HR 功能的改變趨勢,因此兩年後會繼續申請做相同的調查,希望藉由不同時間點收集的資料更清楚瞭解HR 角色所經歷的轉變。第三、研究不同產業中人力資源管理功能的變化差異,探討人力資源管理是否會因產業而改變。第四、藉由探討人力資源管理功能的改變對於其效能的影響。最後希望能夠建立起有利組織發展的企業模型與價值體系的建立。 Taiwanese top industries have highly regarded the value of human resource, however, there is still lack of systematic research and understanding on the role played by Human Resource Departments. Lawler et al. (2001) found that when organizations focus on developing their competencies, capabilities, and knowledge, they make HR much more of a strategic and business partner, and they do make changes in the HR function. The present study has four purposes: first, it is crucial to understand the changes made by Taiwanese HR function in corresponding to the business strategic needs. Second, this study will be a comparison base for spotting the changes of HR role and function over time. Third, the study aims to differentiate the HR function and roles in different types of industries. And finally, the study will examine the impact of changes in the HR function on its effectiveness. This will give us a sense of the developing business m 研究期間:9508 ~ 9607