在二元配對資料中,經常根據受測對象接受新舊兩種處理的成功機率之差異的信賴下界或上界,檢定新處理相對於標準處理是否具備非劣性或優越性。本文考慮以新舊兩種處理邊際成功機率比率的近似信賴上界,進行非劣性檢定,並應用Buehler方法修正邊際機率比率的四種近似信賴上界,使其型I誤差率不高於顯著水準,獲得此一比率的正確信賴上界。透過數值分析及模擬研究,在適當的評估標準之下,修正後的信賴域皆優於修正前的信賴域。本文以一筆資料說明所提修正方法在非劣性或優越性檢定的應用。 To that for the non-inferiority of superiority of a new treatment relative to the standard based on binary matched pairs data, the lower or upper bond for the difference between the two probabilities of success is usually constructed. In this article, we consider that for the non-inferiority of a new treatment relative to the standard the approximate upper bond for the ratio between the two probabilities of success and modify these approximate upper confidence bounds for the ratio of the two probabilities according to the Buehler method. Therefore, we obtain these exact upper confidence bounds for the ratio that can be applied to testing for the non-inferiority and superiority. Moreover, the modified confidence bounds are all better than the original ones for holding their confidence levels. Finally, we demonstrate the application of the propose confidence bounds based on a numerical data set.