太陽自古被視為生命的源泉,不僅來自於太陽「光明」與「熱」的象徵,同時太陽的升落也帶來了一切生命的意象,且日出、日落的循環正給予初民一種生命的不死與永恆,進而將對太陽的崇拜與信仰體現在神話的意蘊裡,然世界各地的太陽神話雖有著豐富多彩的面貌,究其本質仍是來自於對太陽的崇拜,亦即對生命的崇拜與信仰,因此,藉由探討中國文獻中的太陽神話,發現蘊含在太陽神話內在的深層信仰與文化內容,其是圍繞著「生」、「不死」與「再生」的主題,所展現的正是一種對於生命永恆的追尋與超越,故本文以太陽神話為核心,經由太陽運行所呈現出的空間、時間以及蘊含在神話底層的原始生命信仰、文化意蘊等面向,從而在太陽神話的各種意象中揭示出對生命的崇拜與信仰。 The sun was a fountain of life in the ancient becase it not only symbolize the brightness and heat, but also brought up the meaning of the life. The cycle of sunrise and sunset implies the permanence of the life. Therefore, people show their belief and faith of sun in the fairy tale. By studying the Chinese literature of sun, we found the subjects of the story are always around birth, athanasia and rebirth. It shows that the human is trying to follow, or even surpass the eternal life. This paper is going to study the culture, the meaning, the time, the space and other point of view in the literature of sun, and then finally reveal the faith and belief of the life.