超音波聚焦噴墨法是利用超音波聚焦透鏡,將超音波聲能匯聚於液面,使液體突破液面阻力而噴出墨滴的一種噴墨技術。由於不需要傳統噴墨法的噴孔設計,故可改善傳統噴墨法因噴孔所造成之噴墨缺點;但因為不需噴孔,墨滴規格預估更需針對輸入能量及各階段能量效率轉換進行探討。 本研究分別介紹超音波聚焦噴墨法之理論基礎及超音波聚焦噴墨模型,推導超音波聚焦噴墨模型中輸入能量之理論關係式,及估算超音波聚焦噴墨法之能量損耗效率。藉由設計及製作壓電共振頻率1MHz 之超音波聚焦噴墨裝置,和透過實驗初步驗證超音波聚焦噴墨模型和能量理論,用以作為在微尺寸之高頻共振超音波聚焦噴墨裝置設計之依據。 Ultrasound-focusing ejection is an inkjet technology that uses ultrasound focusing lens to focus the ultrasonic energy in liquid surface and further eject droplets. Because the ultrasound-focusing ejection requires no traditional inkjet nozzle, it can soothe the drawbacks of traditional inkjet methods caused by jet nozzles. However, ejection without nozzle needs more for the input energy and energy efficiency in depth. This thesis presents the fundamental theory about ultrasound-focusing ejection, and addresses the energy relationship, and derives its energy efficiency model. In this study, an ultrasonic focusing ejector of resonance frequency one-MHz is designed and constructed. Ultrasound-focusing ejection and energy efficiency model are verified by the experiments of one-MHz ejection device. This research can be useful in designing the ejection device of high frequency in micro size.