計畫目標:開發畜產品中乙型受體素類藥物殘留檢驗試劑.本年度重要工作項目: 1. clenbuterol衍生物的製備. 2. clenbuterol衍生物-載體蛋白質之結合體. 3. 持續篩選高敏感度之對β-agonist藥物(以clenbuterol為主要標的)具反應的融合瘤細胞、單株抗體生產及純化. 4. clenbuterol酵素免疫檢測試劑雛型評估. 5. clenbuterol快速免疫層析試劑雛型評估.預期效益: 1. 完成clenbuterol衍生物的製備,每種50 mg. 2. 完成clenbuterol衍生物蛋白質結合體的製備藥物-蛋白質結合體,OVA及BSA各50 mg, HRPO 2 mg. 3. 完成對藥物均具反應及對salbutamol及clenbuterol等藥物具反應之融合瘤細胞. 4. 完成單株抗體生產及純化及抗體亞型分析. 5. 完成clenbuterol之酵素免疫分析試劑之雛型評估. 6. 完成clenbuterol之快速層析分析試劑之雛型評估。 Specific aims: Development of screening tests for residues of beta-agonist in animal products. Important works in this year: (1) Preparation fo clenbuterol derivatives. (2) Preparation of clenbuterol-carrier conjugates. (3) Screening, ascites production and purification of the monoclonal antibody against beta-agonist with high sensitivity to clenbuterol. (4) Evaluation of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for clenbuterol detection. (5) Evaluation of one-step chromatographic kit for clenbuterol. Expected Results: (1) Produce clenbuterol hapten derivatives-conjugates 50 mg. (2) Produce clenbuterol protein-conjugate antigens: OVA and BSA, 50 mg/each and HRPO 2 mg. (3) Produce monoclonal antibodies against beta-agonist especially for clenbuterol. (4) Harvest and characterize pure monoclonal antibodies. (5) Finish the evaluation study for ELISA againt clenbuterol. (6) Finish the evaluation study for one-step chromatographic kit against clenbuterol. 研究期間:9201 ~ 9212