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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/4177

    Title: 台灣眷村小說生命困境之研究──以外省第二代作家作品為例;A Study on the Characters' Plight in Novels on Taiwan Military Dependent's Villages
    Authors: 于桂芳;Kui-Fang Yu
    Contributors: 中國文學系碩士在職專班
    Keywords: 兩代;眷村小說;記憶;認同;兩性;兩岸;Military Dependent's Villages
    Date: 2007-06-13
    Issue Date: 2009-09-22 09:13:35 (UTC+8)
    Publisher: 國立中央大學圖書館
    Abstract: 眷村是一個特殊時空下的產物,尤其在本土論述興起、政經環境急劇改變後,眷村人自成一格的生命情境,更是台灣文化中重要的一環。本文共分五章,提要如下: 第一章〈緒論〉:首先闡述研究動機,並對眷村小說加以界定;再說明透過外省第二代小說家,如朱天文、朱天心、苦苓、袁瓊瓊、孫瑋芒、張大春、張啟疆、張國立、蘇偉貞、蕭颯等人的小說文本進行考察。基本上,本論文對史料進行蒐集運用,並就外圍因素加以探討,論證眷村人在兩代、兩性、兩岸之間面對生命困境的省思與超越。 第二章〈兩代之間〉:「無父」封閉的眷村中,父權卻無所不在,母親成為眷村中的靈魂人物,是父權的執行者,卻也是子女複製的對象,加上經濟的困厄、家庭的變異,因此母女?子關係受到考驗;陽剛而威權的眷村父親,在不善溝通表達、西方思潮的傳入、家庭結構的轉變、時代的變局之下,父權不斷消長,父女?子關係也一再產生變化。 第三章〈兩性之間〉:首先透過對童年的追憶,表達對眷村烏托邦的留戀,並在叛逆中探索羞澀的兩性關係;長大後,在無疾而終和生死相守的愛情中,見證情愛的糾葛,而封閉眷村中婚姻的結合,常存在著父權的迷思和歷史的因緣,此外面對兩性困境時,死亡、瘋癲、追求自我亦是一種超越情愛的途徑。 第四章〈兩岸之間〉:八○年代開始,政治環境急劇變化,本章以時間為主軸,先探究眷村第一代,從大陸到台灣,追尋原鄉的漂泊心情、強烈的愛國意識,並見證族群融合的軌跡。又曾經居於文化主流,而今成為邊緣族群,加上眷村改建,背負兩種鄉愁的眷村人落入真正的無根,因此透過記憶與認同的辯證,凸顯眷村人孤危焦慮的處境。 第五章〈結論〉:總結研究成果,並期盼眷村人能根植於台灣本土社會,繼續深挖眷村小說豐富的精神內涵與歷史底蘊。 Military dependent’s villages were formed by many special reasons in Taiwan’s history. The people from different provinces or regions of China had gradually constructed some distinctive cultures. These military dependent’s village cultures become cardinal importance parts of modern Taiwan’s cultures. Thus, in this study, I explore development of these cultures by analyzing the literatures of military dependent’s village by the authors of the second generation of military dependent’s village (We-jen Su, Jun-jun Yun, Tien-hsing Ju and Tien-wen Ju etc.) from the time period of 1970 to early 1990s. Through these author’s novels, I investigate that how military dependent’s villagers face and surpass these problems of ethnicism, generation gap, matrimony etc. There are 5 chapters in my paper. The summary is as follow: Chapter 1: “Introduction”. From literature reviews, especially the novels written by novelists who grew up in military dependent’s villages, I try to find out their attitudes and behaviors on the horns of a dilemma when they faced problems in different stages of lives. Chapter 2:”Between 2 generations”. The power from fathers is everywhere in the military dependent’s villages, even though they are seldom at home. Mothers become the soul in their villages. Mothers must uphold their husbands in their belief and practice various little economics. Therefore, the relationships between mothers and children are delicate. On the other hand, powerful but feudalistic fathers have to face the same changeable relationships in their families. Chapter 3:”Between men and women”. In the progress of life time, at first, I discuss the causes and effects of the embarrassing sexual relationships from their childhood to their youth. Second, Their grow-up experiences in blocked military dependent’s villages often affect their love stories and marriages. Chapter 4:”Between the straits”. From 1990s, our government environment have changed tremendously. The first generation who lives in military independent’s villages experiencing the travels from Mainland China to Taiwan. They are patriotic but wandering. They used to be the people in charge with supreme powers. Now their customs and cultures no longer dominate the society. In addition to the forcible reconstruction of their villages, they feel especially anxious and lost. Chapter 5:”Conclusion”. To sum up my studies and researches, I hope the people from military dependent’s villages will entrench themselves in Taiwan’s society and create their own wonderland here again.
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Chinese Literature] Electronic Thesis & Dissertation

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