台灣地區農業具有提供國人重要糧食以及保持生態平衡的功能,因此農業佔有相當重要的地位.而台灣地區的河川其豐水期與枯水期之逕流量相差甚大;因此如何進行農業用水與河川生態標的之水庫操作模式研究,以建立農業水資源有效調配運用,並促進農業水資源合理分配,是一項相當重要的課題.本研究將就具有農業用水與河川生態標的之水庫進行水庫操作模式之研究,以獲得農業之最大收益。 Agriculture plays a momentous role that has been supplying provision for mass population and keeping the stability of ecology in Taiwan. However, there is a great variation of runoff between the river in low and high flow period in Taiwan. Furthermore, it's an important achievement to establish the efficient and reasonable way of water allocation by investigating the policy of reservoir operation focused on agricultural irrigation quantity and ecology of river. This study is to construct a model with reservoir operation for the objective of maximum profits in agriculture. 研究期間:9201 ~ 9212