本論文係針對鋁合金材料常選用之表面處理防蝕技術進行研究,以個案分析三種類型之表面處理方法如陽極酸化處理技術、化成皮膜靜電塗裝技術及粉體塗裝處理技術,站在環境保護的角度及人體健康考量的前題下,對於傳統產業因應環保法規管制與國際性限制公約影響,採用「清潔生產」的基礎理論應用於鋁表面處理業製程改善的做法。 研究得知,陽極酸化處理技術於生產製程中需使用大量的水資源,利用電能解離金屬離子沉積於皮膜內,達到色彩附著及防蝕的功能。製程產出廢水致無機性污泥衍生,透過再利用方案替代水泥原料(石灰石及黏土),達到「污染控制」。化成皮膜靜電塗裝及粉體塗裝處理技術最大的差異,在於鉻酸鹽類毒化物的使用及溶劑型塗料造成VOCs的排放問題,運用「清潔生產」技術於污染物產出前達到「工業減廢」與「污染預防」。 在製造程序處理技術選用時,考慮其對環境的效應、產品良率的影響及製造成本的支出等因素,儘量減少原物料與能源的耗用,儘可能不使用有毒性之原料,並使廢氣、廢水及廢棄物等污染物自製程排出前,即減低其量及毒性,並將污染物質加上創新技術轉變成有價資源。 Due to international protocol in the banning of toxic materials and more stringent regulation, industry has to not only treat the waste properly but also improve the manufacturing process to minimize the generation of waste. The object of this work was to study the influence of clean production into surface treatment industry via case study of a surface treatment plant of aluminum alloy. The surface coating processes were evolved from cathode acidification, conversion coating, and to powder coating. The amount of wastewater and waste generated as well as chemical and electricity used for each process were investigated. It was found that large amount of water is used in the cathode acidification process to electrolyze metal ions which can be deposit on the surface. The sludge generated from this process could be recycled as alternative resource of cement to achieved “pollution control”. The disadvantages of conversion coating and powder technology were the usage of chromium and solvent, respectively. Also, the powder technology generated the least wastewater and used least energy. From the evolution of coating processes, the purposes of waste minimization, conservation of resource, and pollution prevention were achieved.