污染源管制在於保護環境品質、保護人體及生態系統健康並對於自然環境生態資源有效利用與永續利用,由於人口持續增加,土地資源有限,環境負荷日益加重,故進行國土資源規劃開發時,應考量環境承載力,將有限土地資源作最佳化分配,達成資源有效利用,環境永續原則,環境屬公共財之應列入企業環境成本,落實許可收費制度以減少無節制耗用自然資源,本研究以系統理論與系統方法探討永續環境管理污染源管制制度,供政府部門修正現有制度參考;污染源管制僅採末端排放管理是錯誤思維,需以系統思維考量國土規劃、環境資源用途、訂定環境品質標準、估算涵容能力及訂排放標準、總量調配(排放許可)、總量管制(污染源)。並進行環境監測以持續迴饋修正,符合環境永續原則,對於污染源排放許可制度應推動總量管制,並由目的事業主管機關核發許可,環保單位以監督角色,稽查核發機關是否超過總量,事業單位是否超出許可量排放,建立資源合理分配制度,以改善目前排放許可制度之無限量之濫發情形。 The purpose of administering and restraining pollution is for the protection of environmental quality, the health of human body and the welfare of natural ecosystem as well as to be able to effectively and sustainined utilize ecology resources from the natural environment. Due to increase of population and decrease of land resources, the ecosystem is gradually poisoned each day. Therefore, when under national territory resource planning, it is necessary to consider environment carrying capacity. By optimizing uses of limited land resources, it achieves effective uses of resources and the principle of environment eternity. Environment is a public good, and therefore an organization should have costs associated with it in order to minimize excessive use of natural resources. The system method and theory is used in this research to study pollution control system. The results can be used for the existing government department。It is mistake to think pollution can be managed by controlling the quantity of polluted substances. It must be incorporated with the national territory plan, the uses of environment resources, the environment quality standard, the estimation of Assimilative capacity and subscribes discharges the standard, the total quantity distribution (emission allowance), total quantity control (pollution ). Also continuously monitor ecosystem to provide environmental feedbacks in order to meet the principle of environment eternity. The system of releasing permission of exhaust pollution substance should be controlled in terms of aggregated pollution quantity. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supervises and audits if aggregated pollution is under control or if an Industry manageable agency has excess its limit of exhaust pollution. EPA also establish reasonable resource allocation system in order to improve unrestricted issues allowance of exhaust pollution substances.