摘要: | 企業或組織為維護人類之永續生存發展與確保優質的生活品質,必須對有限的資源做最適當、合理的調配,也就是在經濟發展與資源及保育之間應取得一平衡點,惟有重視環境與職業安全衛生管理,才能維護我們生存之地球環境以及健康的家庭、社會活動,使之永續發展與生存。而企業組織的環安衛管理僅為企業管理決策眾多考量面向與事務環節之一,其決策與運作無法獨立於企業組織營運管理之外。基於系統理論、控制理論及資訊理論,環安衛管理系統必須根據系統思維之組織管理原則整合於組織管理系統之中,僅整合品質、環境及職業安全衛生管理系統並無法符合與滿足企業組織的運作架構與機制。本研究即是根據系統思維之概念與原則,發展出一個符合系統思維原則的組織架構與機制,並將環境與職業安全衛生管理系統整合於其中,並以三家公司之企業環境與職業安全衛生報告書為案例,分別就其內容與本研究所發展之組織架構、系統架構以及運作機制做比較及探討,結果認為案例公司組織架構符合系統思維之組織架構及運作機制,但欠缺負向迴饋機制以及具前瞻性之願景,應以迴饋方式依組織管理程序(PIMCR3)的運作,使組織管理系統中之各管理系統能有相對應之階層執行運作,以達成企業永續經營及發展之目標。 Enterprises or organizations are supposed to make the most suitable, rational arrangement for limited resources to maintain human life’s sustainable development and ensure high quality life. That is, we should strike a balance between the economic development and the resource conservation. Great emphasis on environment, occupational safety and health systems makes it possible for us to keep the environment on Earth where we live and household, social activities in good state; consequently, human beings could exist on Earth everlastingly. However, organizations’ environment, occupational safety and health systems are only part of many factors related to business management strategies. Its constitution has to be closely connected with the organizational executive management. According to system theory, cybernetics, and information theory, environment, occupational safety and health systems need to be integrated into organizational management systems in the basis of systems thinking’s organizational management principles. But only integrating quality, environment with environment, occupational safety and health systems cannot match and satisfy the organizational framework and mechanism. This study, based on systems thinking’s concept and principles, develops an organizational framework and mechanism corresponding to systems thinking principles, and combines it with environment, occupational safety and health systems. In addition, take the reports of three companies’ environment, occupational safety and health systems for example, respectively exploring their contents and comparing with the organizational framework, system framework and executive mechanism. As a consequence, it is found that the Sample companies’ organizational frameworks match systems thinking framework and mechanism, but lack negative feedback control and promising vision. Enterprises should operate in the way of feedback control, following PIMCR3, With each sub-management system’s corresponding level’s execution in the organizational management system, to achieve the purpose of businesses’ sustainable development. |