摘要: | 摘 要 鑑於國內土壤污染事件接二連三發生,國內處理技術仍未成熟,因此本研究之主要目的故必須仰賴國外技術之引入較先進的處理技術,供國內污染整治之用。為進一步了解本場址之污染物特性等資料,由相關場址背景資料如以往所生產各種原料、製程、產品(農藥、環境衛生用藥等)等,再藉實地採樣工作,以增加判斷污染物種類、污染物型態等。再透過熱脫附設備的關鍵因素如設備操作因素(土壤處理溫度、處理時間、加熱方式等)、污染物特性(蒸氣壓、污染物之濃度(如四氯異苯腈)等)等,其對污染土壤處理之去除率影響作相關探討,有助於處理經驗之傳承。再經由探討熱脫附設備處理相關費用(如水、電、燃料等)及處理土壤數量間之經濟效益分析,並與美國相關研究報告之處理相關費用比較,得知國內熱脫附設備處理經濟之可行性,以期將來能提供類似場址處理經驗之傳承,以建立更符合經濟效益之土壤整治處理模式。 再經由探討熱脫附設備處理相關費用(如水、電、燃料等)及處理土壤數量間之經濟效益分析,並與美國相關研究報告之處理相關費用所佔百分比相比較,得知國內熱脫附設備處理經濟之可行性,以期將來能提供類似場址處理經驗之傳承,以建立更符合經濟效益之土壤整治處理模式。 Abstract The purpose of this research mainly lies on the continuous events of soil pollutions; because of the immaturity of processing techniques, we have to rely on the imported advanced ones to improve the internal pollutions. From the relevant references, we have involved in studying the behaviors of the organic pollutions in soil such as absorption, desorption. In order to get further understanding of the data like the characteristics of the pollution of the specific locale, we not only analyze the background of the specific locale, for example, the ingredients, the processing, the products and so on, but also take sampling to promote effective assessments of the kinds and types of the pollution. There are numerous American soil improvement techniques such as Soil Vapor Extraction method、Soil Flushing method、Chemical Oxidize method、Bioremediation method、Heater Reactions method, and we have screened the range, limitation and strength and weakness of all methods and through examining the key factors of the thermal-desorption equipments(soil processing temperature, processing time, types of heating and so on), the natures of soil(vaporization pressure, concentrations of pollution species and so on) and the characteristic of soil(sizes of particle, water content, the humic content and so on), we do study about the removal processing efficiency of polluted soil; we believe it is very helpful for passing the experience down. By the investigation of the expense for thermal-desorption processing like the cost of water, electricity, fuel and the like, by the analysis of economic profit among polluted soil processing cases as well as by comparison with the related reports of the United States, we can look forward to the plausibility of internal thermal-desorption and at the same time, we also expect that it would provide analogic experience to build up the more economic and efficient methods for soil renovation. |