台灣地區每年餘土產生量高達數千萬立方公尺,以往多以填埋方式處理,近年來受到資源永續利用觀念影響,在處理上朝向多元化利用發展。國內在餘土利用的促進上著重於工程間土方交換,並以評估指標「土方交換率」作為評量施政成效之依據,然而剩餘土石方的整體利用上並非僅有土方交換一途,現有評估指標無法反應餘土整體利用情形,為明確反應餘土整體利用情形,實有重新建立評估指標必要。為客觀評估國內處理現況,本研究參考國外先進國家之指標,並實地訪談產、官、學各界了解現況,配合現有統計資料及未來剩餘土石方管理趨勢,建立能反應工地挖填平衡情形之「平衡利用率」、餘土後端利用成效之「有效利用率」及反應工程使用上餘土取代天然資源利用成效之「工程利用率」,共三個評估指標,可作為相關單位評估剩餘土石方從前端產出到後端使用之整體利用成效依據。最後本研究以建立之評估指標為基礎進行分析,分別針對「各類餘土整體利用」及「餘土管理制度」切入,就此二方面提出建言及對策,冀能有所助益。 It is estimated in previous studies that there are more than 30 millions of construction residual soil generated each year in Taiwan. The objective of this research is to develop appraisal indexes for assessing the effectiveness of residual soil management in Taiwan. Literature reviews are conducted and several expert forums are held to determine the proper indexes. Consequently, a set of appraisal indexes is proposed in this study. The ‘Balanced Rate’ is to assess how well a project reuses the soil generated in the project itself so that the amount of residual soil is decreased. The ‘Exchange Rate’ is to measure how much of the residual soil are exchanged and reused between two projects. The ‘Effective Reuse Rate’ assesses the proportion of the residual soil properly reused in higher value-adding activities such as making the recycled products or backfilled for road banks. The last index assesses from the demand side of the construction soil in Taiwan. The ‘Residual Soil Rate’ computes the percentage of yearly used construction soil coming from the residual soil. With the set of appraisal indexes, the outcome performance of residual soil management in the past few years is assessed and analyzed in the study. Strategies for improving the performance were then proposed.