內政部長久以來以「營造業管理規則」來規範營造業,但在大法官第514號解釋令之後,其效力已有疑義,為落實行政程序法的施行及因應我國加入(WTO),因此研擬「營造業法」。「營造業法」的通過,預估將對營造產業生態、環境造成衝擊及影響。本研究之目的將探討營造業法對營造產業之影響。 研究採問卷方式以資本額一億元以上的營造業廠商、目前承攬公共工程超過一億元以上之廠商及營造業公會中之法規委員會成員,進行抽樣調查。問卷內容分成:營造業法相較營造業管理規則之主要變革點、營造業法對於營造業現存問題之影響,我國之營造業法之訂定是否符合世界發展趨勢三部分。 本研究預期成果期能了解營造業法對營造產業生態所造成之影響與衝擊、提供政府機關訂定相關子法之參考並檢討營造業法是否達到預期之目標,以及提供國內營造相關產業未來發展之參考。 The construction industry in Taiwan has been regulated under the “Construction Industry Administration Regulations” for long time. After the Interpretation No. 514 issued by the Grand Justice, the regulation effect of the rule is not complete anymore. The Construction Industry Law thus become necessary to respond to the need after the accession to WTO and the implementation of Administration Procedure Law. It is expected the new Law will have tremendous impact to the industry. This study is a preliminary investigation on this subject. Questionnaire survey is used in this study. The surveyed targets include the construction companies with their asset over NT$100 million and those member of the Contractor’s Association that are experts in legal environment. The major part of the questionnaire covers the: 1. Major change in the regulation environment, 2. Impact on the existing problems, and, 3. The conformity with the international trend. It is expected this research will provide a preliminary study on the impact of the new Law and a reference for the government on drafting the implementation regulations associated with the Law.