近年來,營造業職災千人率居各行業之冠,係因其特性所致,如工種多、低價搶標、多層承攬等,造成勞工安全衛生管理不易。由於現場工地環境變化迅速,許多安全衛生設施因施工便利之需要而拆除,或因不了解標準而遭受行政處份,皆造成勞動檢查業務進行之困難,亦影響勞工之現場安全。 本研究藉由文獻蒐集及專家訪談之方式,分析探討施工架於現場較常違反標準之情事,並將違反標準之例外情事加以類型化分析,藉由類型化之分析探討標準是否對於現場之情事定義模糊、標準之間是否互相衝突、或是否有限制過當等情形。由於該標準之訂定及勞動檢查程序乃政府之行政行為,故藉由行政程序法及法律一般原則檢視。 營造安全衛生設施標準、勞動檢查法及勞工安全衛生法等勞安法律內皆含有不確定法律概念之規定,與勞動檢查程序相關法規中,涉及停工及罰款之條文由於涉及侵害憲法保障人民之自由及權利,故其明確性應要求甚高。由於勞動檢查機關對於些許不確定法律概念之認定不一,造成行政處分輕重不分,檢查準則不明確之狀況,廠商由於不知檢查單位之標準及認定之準則,故形成不願意且不知該如何遵守標準之惡性循環,影響現場勞工安全生甚鉅。 根據例外之情事,擬定法規之修正建議,並配合探討勞動檢查程序之相關問題,希冀能使該標準更趨明確,真正落實勞動檢查,達到保護勞工安全,降低職業災害發生率之目標。 This work investigates the circumstances of scaffolding on site by reviewing relateddocumentation and interviewing the professionals. The core of the work is to studyexceptional circumstances that may violate construction safety regulations or standards. These circumstances call for attention or warning, particularly in respects that correctiveactions such as immediate improvements, punishment of forfeit or shutdown are mandated. The focus of this study is the categorization of exceptional circumstances, whichencompasses (1) ambiguity of regulations, (2) contradictions among regulations, standardsand practices, and (3) unreasonable restrictions in standards. Each categorization is matched with a solution. After the categorization of the circumstances, the study analyzes theadministrative behaviors with regulations and the statutory principles to rationalize inspection procedures as well as the associated standards of inspection. The forfeiture that violates the underlying constitutional principles, namely human rights, is also critically scrutined. A call of construction shutdown by the safety inspectornecessary alerts one's freedom on movement and property. It is the concerns on imminetpublic safety that leaves room of tramping on human rights. Thus, the subtle balance mustnot be overlooked. Therefore, the study particularly analyzes the exceptional circumstances that may cause shutdown in order to revise the Standard properly. The contribution of this work is to criticize construction safety regulations and to submit concrete suggestions for amendments. It is stressed that unrealistic regulations not onlyovershoot the lofty goal of worker protection, but remains a triviality in every generalcontractor's cost account. In other words, these regulations are detrimental only. It isenvisioned that the statistical analysis of the penalty bills may be built in to make safety more transparent, and such management information may be taken into consideration whentailoring the penalty bills. This will certainly enhance experience and knowledge build-upand sharing among practitioners.