摘 要 根據政府採購法第四十條規定,上級機關得命洽其下屬機關委託統一發包中心代辦採購。但目前尚未有對於代辦工程專案執行成效提出評估機制,洽辦機關與代辦機關對於代辦執行成果常權責不清,因此若能發展代辦工程執行成果指標,作為洽辦機關的評估工具,也可以提供代辦機關改善服務方向。 本研究以文獻回顧方式探討代辦工程過程中,各階段可能發生的問題癥結,再參考國外代辦制度的權責劃分原則,制訂代辦工程專案執行成果之初步評估;其次以訪談方式確認代辦工程專案執行成果評估項目;再使用層級分析法及權重法建立代辦工程專案執行成果準則評估權重;最後進行代辦工程專案評估個案分析。 評估系統針對其「成本」、「時間」、「品質」與「服務滿意度」等因子進行評估,以檢視委託工程專責機關進行專案管理之執行成效。期以發揮專案管理應有之功能,增進委託機關代辦模式之效益。 A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Entrusted Construction Projects Lu, Ming-Fen, Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, National Central University Abstract According to Article 40 of the Government Procurement Law, for government entity which does not possess the required professional procuring capacity, the superior agency may order the entity to entrust its procurement to the Consolidated Procurement Center in the government. There are many cases happened in the last several years that the construction of public building of one agency was handled under the administration of another agency. The results of such a transfer of authority was satisfactory in general, but the performance measurement on the authorized agency was not developed, and the power and responsibility between the public agency and the entrusted agency was not clearly defined. This study creates a performance indexing mechanism on the construction project management, and provides a good reference for the entity that intends to evaluate the achievement of a construction project. This research collects case histories to discuss problems in the authorization process, compares with the authorization system from several other countries and developed the preliminary project performance index. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is adopted to set the weight of measures for the evaluation of the entrusted project. The performances of several individual cases were analyzed with the indexing system. The factors evaluated include “cost”, ”time”, ”construction quality” and “service satisfaction”, which will provide an objective indexing system examine the degree of success of an entrusted construction project. Hopefully it can also provide a useful tool for the identification on how to improve the overall efficiency of the management service.