摘 要 目前台灣各工程進度控制多依據預定進度曲線以控制實際進度曲線,若實際進度曲線在預定進度曲線以下即代表進度落後。但此種管控方法可能因為規劃者的經驗,及審查者的觀念而有不同的預定進度曲線,更因為氣候地形或施工方法等因素使得工程進度產生許多變數,到底進度曲線落後多少才算真正的落後全憑審查者主觀的認定。加上各機關預算執行一般多以施工進度及預算執行率表示,並以預算執行率呈現工程進展情形。而預算執行率是否真能呈現工程進展情形呢?工程進度落後與受懲處之標準間似應有更合理的關聯性。 基於上述原因本研究蒐集12個混凝土建築工程案例進行本土化的研究,繪製適用於台灣地區建築工程的芭蕉曲線圖,研擬更完善的進度審查方式,並檢討:1.政府採購法施行細則第一百十一條中巨額工程採購,履約進度落後百分之十以上應刊登於政府採購公報,並自刊登之日起一年不得參加投標或作為決標對象或分包廠商。2.全年度計畫預算執行進度未達百分之九十者,應予申誡之合理性。 從研究中獲得之結論:1.政府採購法施行細則中以百分之十做為進度落後的依據並不完全適用。進度落後之審查應該依工程階段性評估。2.芭蕉曲線上邊界可作為趕工獎金發放之依據。3.預定進度與實際進度應在合理的進度範圍內進行進度審查。 Abstract The construction progress of a project is very often controlled by the S-curve indicating the relationship between the projects expenses vs. the time elapsed. If the actual progress curve falls below the forecasted curve, the progress is behind the schedule. Various factors, such as the accuracy of the forecasted curve, the reviewer’s experience, the climate condition, the topography of the site, etc. may affect the effectiveness of the evaluation of the progress. It is also wondered that if the percentage of the total budget spent will truly reflect the progress of a construction project. A more reasonable indicator is thus needed to distinguish those projects lag behind from the projects go ahead of schedule. In this study, the progress curves collected from 12 building projects are used to create an envelope of curves known as Banana Curves for evaluating the reasonable range of proper progress in a typical building project. The Banana Curves are also used to study the reasoning of: 1. Provision 111 of the Implementation Rules of Government Procurement Law for the punishment on the contractors if the progress falls behind more than 10%, 2. Administration Rules on the punishment on the contracting entity if the budget spent falls less than 90% in the fiscal year. It is concluded that: 1. The 10% threshold indicated in the Provision 111 of the Implementation Rules may be misleading sometimes, 2. The upper bound of the Banana Curves may be adopted as a criteria to allow insensitive to encourage the contractor to progress faster, and, 3. The Banana Curves are good indicators for a reasonable construction progress.