建築物之規劃、設計、發包施工、使用維護、拆除重建之生命週期中,以使用維護期間最長,而使用維護過程中必須經歷許多修繕、甚至重新裝修之工作;因此建立良善之維護檢測工具,不僅能提供舒適且方便之使用環境,更將能達到事半功倍之管理效率與成本控制。 本研究針對公有建築物群之維護問題進行管理,及結合網際網路與平板電腦(Tablet PC)之技術開發「建築物維護管理系統」,可就多棟建築物維護資訊進行分類管理,並將維護作業分為三個層次之電腦化管理:一為檢測員攜帶自動化檢測裝置,進行主動目視檢測以發掘損壞問題;二為使用者利用網際網路無時空之限制,對非公共區域之修繕進行電子化之呈報與查詢;三為管理者依修繕資訊之收集,進行統計分析,以作為修繕資源分配之依據。 本研究以國立中央大學校舍之維護管理為例,成功驗證所開發之系統之實用性,故本研究可做為國內發展建築物或設施管理系統之參考。 The life cycle of a building consists of several stages such as planning, design, construction, maintenance, and removal; in which the maintenance stage sustains the longest period of time. It is important to obtain a useful tool for the purposes of efficient maintenance and effective cost control. This research tackles the maintenance problems of a community that is composed of various building facilities. A computer system incorporating Tablet PC and Internet termed “Building Maintenance Management System” is developed for improving the maintenance efficiency. The developed system allows (1) an inspector to electronically record image and textual information of building damages or deficiencies; (2) occupants of buildings to make a repairing request and then monitor its progress on Internet; and (3) the administrator of building facilities to compile statistic information that facilitates prioritizing limited maintenance resources. The developed system is successfully tested in performing the maintenance management tasks for the building facilities in the Nation Central University. Promising results have been obtained in improving maintenance efficiency. The developed system can serve as a useful tool for other agencies with minimum modifications.