摘要: | 近年來由於大量之工程建設,國內每年產生約1,500萬方的營建剩餘土石方(營建剩餘土石方資訊通報)及1,200萬噸的建築廢棄物(建築拆、建照推估模式)。而此數量龐大之廢棄物於缺乏適當減量、再利用的處理措施下以掩埋方式處理,不僅造成掩埋空間的減少,更對於環境污染與生態破壞有莫大的衝擊。由於建築廢棄物中多為可再利用之資源(60%以上),歐美及亞洲許多先進國家對於建築廢棄物資源化再利用早已行之多年,不僅可有效達到建築廢棄物減量,更可減緩天然資源的消耗,達成永續發展之目標。 因此,本研究擬藉由SWOT分析方法,就目前國內建築廢棄物減量現況及政策,列出既有的優勢(Strength)及劣勢(Weakness),並就未來即將頒佈之法令、國外減量經驗、國內再利用之試驗成果及其他社會因素,列出未來實施減量措施時可能之機會(Opportunity)與威脅(Threat)。再經由矩陣配對的過程,透過四種策略原則(SO原則、ST原則、OT原則及WO原則)擬訂出各階段之減量措施,並考量各措施於各階段對於建築廢棄物減量目標之共通性,整合提出三項主要減量措施,分別為:要求進入再生處理場、公共工程使用再生材及要求工地現場減廢。 減量成效評估則是藉由市場調查的方式,預估該減量措施於未來施行時之市場影響。因此,本研究調查得知目前要求進入再生處理場每年市場收容處理量約為130萬噸,業者之回收處理效能約為94.5%;公共工程使用再生材(道路級配料、高壓混凝土磚、人工魚礁、消波塊)每年約可消耗400萬噸之再生骨材;國內業者對於現場減廢之最高限度為20%。 最後參考相關法規之實施期程,訂出未來四年國內推動建築廢棄物減量目標,分別為民國93年實施「要求進入再生處理場」,當年減量成效約為5%(減少60萬噸);民國94年除了繼續施行「要求進入再生處理場」外,另外要求「公共工程使用再生材」,針對道路級配料、高壓混凝土磚、人工魚礁及消波塊等使用項目訂定10%的再生骨材使用量,當年減量成將增為20%(減少240萬噸);民國95年除了增加再生骨材比例至20%外,另外針對工地現場部分,要求減少5%的廢棄物排出量,其當年減量成效將增為35%(減少420萬噸);最後於民國96年,增加再生骨材使用比例至30%,新建工程現場減少10%的廢棄物排出量,其當年減量成效將增為40%(減少480萬噸)。 本研究提出以上三項減量措施及未來四年預期減量目標,作為將來政府擬訂建築廢棄物減量政策之參考。 According to study, there is more than 12,000,000 tons of building construction and demolition wastes (CD&W) generated each year in Taiwan. Since those wastes are neither accepted in most of the regular landfills, nor accepted in the incinerators in Taiwan, many of them is dumped illegally and create hazards to the environment. With the global trend of sustainable development, recycling and reuse of building CD&W gradually become a regular practice in those advanced countries such as United States, Japan, Canada, and European countries. More than 50% of recycling rate is reported for those countries. Japan and England even have a recycling rate more than 80%. Most of them are reused for roadway base and backfill, or for land backfill. Some of them are used for replacement of concrete aggregate to make various kinds of concrete products. This research is to study the reduction plans as well as the 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) actions adapted by the advanced countries for reduction of building CD&W. The objective is to develop action strategies for reduction of the building CD&W in Taiwan, based on the local market, codes, and regulations. Literature reviews on the related research and reduction plans are conducted. Local codes, regulations, practice, and related market factors holding back the realization of recycling and reuse of building CD&W are investigated. SWOT analysis is conducted for developing proper action strategies. Three actions, namely “to regulate the building CD&W to enter the legal treatment plants”, “to regulate the recycling products to be used in public projects”, and “to reduce the CD&W on sites through proper design” are proposed as a result. These actions are estimated to be able to reduce the annual amount of building CD&W by 40% in a 4-year period. Further action plan to realize these three actions is developed. |